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"Barbatos, I'm going out."

"Safe trippings then, my lord. Oh, and don't forget your umbrella."

The lord thrust open the mansion's doors to the outside world. It was another sunny day in the village of Telia. For most people, sunny days were the most exquisite. Children would play outside, and town folks would gossip about the latest rumors. But for Lord Lucifer, sunny days were the most unpleasant days for him

Lady Celestia, is it me or the sun has become brighter today?

Lucifer opens up his umbrella. It was a necessity for him to have an umbrella during sunny days. As an elf, he had fragile skin that was easily scorched by the sun. The sunlight also made him dizzy which caused dreadful headaches.

"Good morning, Lord Lucifer!"

The town folks greet and wave to him. Lucifer awkwardly waves back at them.

"My lord, are you taking a trip to the beach today?" Asked the old lady, who ran the local fruit stall.

"Of course, a sunny day means the waves will be beautiful today."

"Oh-ho, that's very true. Back in the old days, me and my husband would go to the beach all the time and..."

"Er- Apologies, Ms. Gram, I have to get going. My butler will be worried if I don't get back in time."

"Oh-ho, your butler is a strict one, isn't he? Safe trippings then, my lord."

Lucifer waves at the old lady and starts again on his journey to the beach. During his walk, he is greeted by many other town folks. Being greeted all the time had become a nuisance for Lucifer. It was hard enough to edge out of the conversation with the old lady, but now there were other town folks wanting strike up a conversation with him. One by one, he try his best to dismiss conversations politely. Finally, Lucifer reaches the beach. The smell of the salty air and the sound of crashing waves hitting rocks calmed him. Lucifer breathes in the salty air. 

It's nice to come out once in a while...

Suddenly, Lucifer catches a sign of movement from the corner of his eye.

"Who goes there?"

A hand emerges from the ocean, next a head then a torso. Lucifer stood there dumbfounded. A man had emerged from the ocean! Tan skin, red hair, and glistening golden eyes, he was definitely not from here. But none of that matter, the more distinct features that caught Lucifer's eye were the horns and the tail. To be more specific, water dragon horns that curl back, and a water dragon tail that swish back and forward. The stranger lifts his head and stares directly at Lucifer.

"Who-" started Lucifer.

"After all these years, I have finally found you..."


The strange man walks up to Lucifer. Lucifer takes a step back, gripping tightly both hands on the umbrella. It was out of a sudden when the stranger got on one knee and gazed up at the elf.

"Will you marry me?"

An awkward pause stood between the two.



["Safe Trippings!"]

Originated from one of the great 7 lords, The Tired. A boy, who was so tired that he could barely speak a sentence, so he make a list of shortened phrases that spoke for him. Many of the phrases are still used to this day. 

[DISCONTINUED] Sail On | Diavolo X Lucifer | Obey me FanficWhere stories live. Discover now