"Ah, very amusing." Shota scoffed as he cleaned the soot off with his napkin. "Ochako, what's for dinner?"

"Oh, you're gonna love it! Chef's been fixing his specialty, stuffed crab."


(Play Song)

Keigo slowly rose up and gasped at the sight of a chef looking through the cupboard while swinging his hips and singing.

"Nouvelle cuisine, Les Champs-Élysées. Maurice Chevalier." The chef chuckled and started to chomp off some fish heads. "Les poissons, les poissons. How I love les poissons. Love to chop and to serve little fish. First I cut off their heads, Zen I pull out their bones, Ah mais oui, ça s'est toujours delish."

Keigo gagged at the sight and quickly put his hand on his mouth.

"Les poissons, les poissons, Hee hee hee, haw haw haw. With the cleaver I hack them in two. I pull out what's inside and I serve it up fried. God, I love little fishes, don't you?" The chef sang as he threw the fish into some pulling water, and Keigo almost barfed when he saw the cut up fish on a plate. "Here's something for tempting the palate Prepared in the classic technique, first you pound the fish flat with a mallet, Then you slash through the skin, give the belly a slice, then you rub some salt in., 'Cause that makes it taste nice."

The chef rubbed in the salt and he picked up a piece of lettuce the Kaigo was hiding under, he grabbed the crab before he could crawl away. "Zut alors! I have missed one. Sacre bleu, what is zis? How on earth could I miss such a sweet, little succulent crab? Quelle dommage! What a loss. Here we go, in the sauce. And some flour, I think just a dab. Then I stuff you with bread. It doesn't hurt, 'cause you're dead. And you're certainly lucky, you are. 'Cause it's gonna be hot, In my big silver pot, Tout à l'heure, mon poisson! Au revoir!"

The chef threw the crab into the pot, but before Keigo hit the water he grabbed the side and landed on the countertop with a thud.

"Eh? What is this?" The chef said and turned to see the crab he thought was dead, but was alive. He grabbed the crab and Keigo quickly grabbed his nose with his claws. "Ow!!"

The two quickly ran after/away from each other a pan dropped on the chef's foot as he grabbed five knives and threw them at the crab but he quickly hid under a drawer, making the chef tip it over, but yelled in anger when he didn't see the crab.

A huge crash came from the kitchen catching everyone's attention.

"I think I'd better go see what Aoyama is up to." Ochako said nervous and ran towards the destroyed kitchen.

"Come out, you little pipsqueak, and fight like a man!" Aoyama shouted as he looked under a table.



"What are you doing?" Ochako yelled.

"Well, I was just, uh-" Aoyama stuttered before bowing. "I'm sorry, madame."

Ochako glared at the man and grabbed the three silver platers before she went back to the dining room.


"You know, Y/n, perhaps our young guest might enjoy seeing some of the sights of the kingdom." Shota suggested to the girl, who was staring at Shoto in a love-struck way, as Ochako set down his plate. "Something in the way of a tour."

"I'm sorry, Shota. What was that?" Y/n asked.

"You can't spend all your time moping about. You need to get out." Shota whispered angrily as he started to lift his silver platter off of his plate. "Do something. Have a life."

Shoto looked over at Shota's plate to see a very familiar crab sitting there. He started to freak out and lifted his platter up for him to scurry over.

"Get your mind-"

"Easy, Shota, easy. It's not a bad idea, if he's interested. Well, what do ya say?" Y/n asked and turned to Shoto, to see him slam his platter over his plate. "Would you like to join me ona tour of my kingdom tomorrow?"

Shoto quickly nodded his head.

"Wonderful! Now, let's eat before this crab wanders off my plate." Shota chuckled and looked down to not see any crab, he just blinked in confusion.


As Y/n and Eijiro played on the moon-light beach Shoto looked down with a fond smile on his lips.

"Come here, boy." Y/n whistled and Eijiro ran over while barking. The girl looked up to see the boy looking at her in his night pajamas, she waved making him wave and closed his window.

"This has got to be, without a doubt, the single most humiliating day of my life." Keigo ranted to the boy, who grabbed the hair-brush and started to brush his hair. "I hope that you appreciate what I go through for you, young man. Now we have to make a plan to get that girl to kiss you. Tomorrow when she takes you for that ride, you gotta look your best."

Keigo looked back at the boy to see him jumping on his bed in joy and flopped down on his back and snuggled into the soft pillow.

"You gotta kiss her hand, when you greet her. You gotta offer your arm to her, and make sure you walk on the sidewalk next to the road-" Keigo stopped when he noticed Shoto was sound asleep, making him roll his eyes and blow out the candle, making darkness fill the room. He hopped onto the bed and snuggled into the other pillow. "You are hopeless, shield. You know that? Completely hopeless."

"Any sign of them." Enji asked the seahorse as he paced back and forth.

"No, Your Majesty. We've searched everywhere. We've found no trace of your son or Keigo."

"Well, keep looking." Enji yelled and his next line made the seahorse quickly turn and went to serch. "Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored. Let no one in this kingdom sleep until he's safe at home!"

"Yes, sire." The seahorse said and left the grieving father alone in his throne room.

"Oh, what have I done? What have I done?"

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