Chapter 1

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It was like every other day, wake up early, make breakfast for my boyfriend, shower, change, get a taxi, pay the taxi person, and start working. Yeah. That's basically my daily life, it's really not interesting at all. 

Or is it...?



Today's the day, I guess. Today is the fucking day where I ask Karl out on a date. Holy shit can I really do this shit? Alright, you got this dude.

 Sapnap tried hyping himself up with the reflection of his bedroom mirror making finger guns. 


It was Dream who had texted him.

Are you ready to finally ask your crushy crush crush out sap?

Dude stfu, how about George your little boyfriend hmmmmm?


At least I have a fking boyfriend sapnap

At least I have the guts to ask someone out dreamy weamy

Well, you better hurry tf  up cause Karl is asking me where tf you are rn




Flowers flowers I need flowers fuck what flowers does he even like?! Roses! Roses are good, right?

"Hey Google, what's the nearest flower shop thingy," Sapnap asked his phone as he was getting buckled up in a seat, ready to drive.

"The nearest florist shop is five minutes away called Natures Scent" Google replied back robotically.

"Alright time to speed run this shit."


Quackity was currently laying his head on the counter of the store, being the only one who works there since nobody likes to work with flowers apparently, and apparently, nobody likes buying flowers. Ugh. Quackity closes his eyes and sighs he gets up and walks away to the counter heading to the back of the place to grab different flowers for display till-


Quackity got startled by the noise and turned around to see a male with a white bandana on his head, and hair down to his shoulders the same as his, the male's hair is black, he also seems to be a blaze hybrid, and he looked panicked.

"Uh hey, do you sell roses...?" The male's voice was quite deep and a bit raspy which was kind of cute. I chuckled at his question. He gave me a confused look.

"Of course, we do it's a florist shop," Quackity calmly said. 

"Oh, uh yeah sorry, but do you have them...?"

"Oh, yes! We do come on, follow me" Quackity exclaimed happily knowing he has gotten his first customer of the day. "What's the occasion? If you don't mind me asking that is" Quackity trailed off.

"I'm asking someone out on a date since I do like the-"

"Wait ROSES you're going to get roses?!?"

"Yeah, is there a small problem-?"

"SMALL?! No hun no roses are for if you are already together, it means much more romantically meaning or it might be a sign to the person you're going to fast into it and shit if you know what I mean by that, and if you don't too bad. Either get them Lilies, Daises, or Carnations, though I do suggest getting White Lilies since they are symbolic of pure intentions." Quackity rambled off.

"Hm, how much are the White Liles?"

"$14.98 for a bouquet and $2.50 for singles," Quackity said as he walked to get the Lilies.

"I'll get a bouquet please," the male said kindly. 

"Will do wait right here please," 


Sapnap stood there waiting for the shorter male to get the bouquet. The worker was coming back and placed the flowers on the counter. He started typing his shit or whatever he does with the register.

"That would be $16.50 please!" the male said with a smile which was quite adorable. Wait what I can't be thinking like that I like Karl and I'm going to ask him out of course! Sapnap shook his head to clear out his thoughts. 

Sapnap took out his wallet and handed him a twenty-dollar bill and took the flowers telling the kind male to keep the change.

"Wait really?!?" Sapnap nodded.

"No, you can't do this-"

"Yes, I can, and I just did, see you another time man!" Sapnap yelled out rushing out of the store into his car and heading towards the place he asked Karl to meet up to. As he got there, he saw that Karl was about to start heading back into his car, when he parked his car and took off his seatbelt, grabbed the bouquet, and started running.

"Karl! Wait, I'm really sorry for not arriving on time" Sapnap breathed out, Karl turned around and started walking towards Sapnap with a smile telling him it was fine.

"So, Nick, what did you need to tell me, and what are you hiding behind you?" Karl asked cursorily. It started to rain, gray clouds hovering over them. 

"Karl I really, really like you, will you go out with me" Sapnap or well Nick nervously asked.

Karl stood there wide-eyed, a blush coming up his cheeks and a smile on his face.

"Oh, wow Nick that's wow, but I'm sorry I don't like you back I like Wilbur, I'm really sorry but I should be heading back, see you another time?" 

Oh, how you should've seen Sapnap's face heartbroken his heart shattered, he left him there crying, while it's pouring out, flowers still in hand. All of this for nothing?

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