They look towards Minato and Rukia, but then focus their gaze at Ichigo.

Girl: Ichigo Kurosaki.

Ichigo: Yeah, that's me.

Girl: We'll be taking them now.

Ichigo: Tch, yeah right. Like hell I'm gonna give them to you.*draws Zangetsu* Just who in the hell are you?!

Girl: Hmph, there is no need for me to tell you who I am, all you need to worry about right now, is surviving.

Just then the girl felt a hand touch her shoulder, she looks behind her to see that it was Murasame.

Girl: What is it?

Murasame: I would like you to let Yamato and I handle him.

The girl stares at Mursame for a bit, before sighing.

Girl: Very well then.

The girl looks back at Ichigo.

Girl: It seems that i wont have to dirty my hands after all.

The girl turns around and starts walking away.

Ichigo: Hey wait a minute, who are you?!

The girl stops and looks back at Ichigo.

Girl: My name is Sode no Shirayuki.

Ichigo: Shirayuki?

The girl then summons a Senkaimon and walks through it. Murasame and Yamato sigh in relief, which confuses Ichigo.

Ichigo: Huh?

Murasame: It would appear that we were able to fool her.

Yamato: Indeed, but right now we got more important things to think about.

Murasame: Yes, you are right.

Murasame and Yamato both turn towards Minato who still held Rukia in his arms, and started walking towards them, only to intercepted by Ichigo.

Murasame: Ichigo...

Ichigo: I dont know what's going on, but I wont let you get to them!

Murasame: This isnt the time to argue Ichigo! We need to get our master and Rukia to Kisuke, otherwise Minato will bleed out and die!

Ichigo didnt know whether he could trust them, but he knew that Murasame was right, so he lowered his sword.

Ichigo: Fine, but you better explain what going on.

Murasame nods and walks over to Minato. Murasame held Minato in his arms carefully, while Ichigo carried Rukia, and they headed off to Kisuke place.


After arriving at Kisuke's, they were brought in immediately. After laying Minato and Rukia down, Ichigo left to fetch Orihime.

Yoruichi: What happened?!

Yoruichi was pissed and worried. pissed that someone hurt her younger brother and worried about Minato wounds.

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