17 ( Honestly )

391 13 1

The others play games, but I ask not participate in them. I know everyone is worried about me, but I just don't feel like joining.

They've already played about 5 games, but I haven't joined in any. 

"Y/N! We're going to play truth or dare again. Do you want to join this time?" Tzuyu asks. I guess this is my chance to get an answer from her.

I nod and sit down on the floor with the others.

"I'll explain the rules, since we don't have a bottle. We have 2 dice, one red and one blue. The number you roll on blue will be subtracted from the number you roll on red. The difference of the two will be the number of times they have to pick truth or dare. You have to pick dare and truth at least once. The catch, if the difference is a negative, you have to answer truth or dare and the person you chose will ask" Jeongyeon explains

"I have a question though. We can pick whoever right?" I ask

"Yes, you can pick anyone, you just have to get lucky with your rolls"

The game starts and like before we start with age. Tzuyu goes first, but she didn't want to ask me. Even the others are surprised by that.

Eventually, the dice reach me and no one has called me yet. 

"I pick Tzuyu" I say which doesn't surprise anyone.

I luckily roll a 2, just enough to get her to pick truth at least.

"I pick truth" she says.

"Tzuyu, what do you think of me?" I ask

"That's it? I think you're the best person I've met. You're the one I love and I think you were always the right one for me" she replies. Everyone else starts to get excited from the romance.

"What's my dare then?" she asks

"I dare you to tell the truth" I say

"Awww.... Y/N! You didn't dare her to kiss you or do something only a dare could accomplish?" Sana asks

"It's fine, I'll tell the truth" Tzuyu says

"Tell me... who was the first person you were with before V?" I ask which makes everyone gasp

I turn to Dahyun and she's shaking her head. Is she telling me to stop, or did I get something wrong?

"Y/N, what... why are you curious about this?" Tzuyu asks

"I just want to know the truth. I trust you, but there are things that have happened that give me doubt"

"I-- I'll pass. I'll do the punishment instead" she says

"What? It's a simple question. You can just tell me, I won't judge"

"I don't want to! Just let me do the punishment"

"Tzuyu, we didn't agree on a punishment. There was no rule that said you could pass"

"I don't care! I'll do a punishment, no matter how ridiculous it is"

Why is she really trying to hide this. I just want to know. If she says that she loves me, then I believe her, but I don't understand why she can't say anything.

"JUST LET ME BE ALREADY!" she exclaims. 

"I would, but you just don't want to follow the rules!" I reply

She stands up and walks away. Is she really going to make a big deal about this?

"Tzuyu! You haven't answered the question!"

"Fuck you" she says before she goes upstairs and into her room.

I turn back to everyone, and they're all shocked at what just happened.

"Y/N, what was that about? What do you mean someone before V? She only dated V, then went to you" Jihyo says.

"Eh? Dahyun told me that she dated someone before"

"Y/N, that was a mistake. I told you not to mess it up, but you just did" Dahyun says.

"What?! You were the one who told me about all this. Now you're blaming me for this mess?!"

"Calm down, Y/N. We can just forget this happened and we'll talk to Tzuyu" Momo says.

"Good night" Dahyun walks past me. Is she mad as well? What the fuck is happening right now.

Tzuyu locked herself in her own room again and now Dahyun is mad again? What's up with this day?

"I think it's best if we fix this tomorrow. We should all get rest and have a talk to clarify things" Nayeon suggests. I just nod and walk into the guest room.

Momo follows me and wants to speak with me though.

"Y/N, the person you're talking about is someone Tzuyu doesn't want to mention. She actually only told Dahyun and I about him. It was a secret relationship that I'm sure even Jihyo would have not approved of"

"I just wanted to know the truth" I reply

"You telling everyone probably embarrassed her. You messed up big time. I don't know if she would want to talk with you any time soon. Even your best friend is mad at you. Why did you think spreading a secret to everyone like that was a good idea?" she asks

"I didn't know it was a secret. I thought everyone knew"

"About the talk Nayeon wants to have, that won't happen. Tzuyu is no leaving that room until the promotion week. Dahyun might not take it lightly as well"

"What can I do then?" I ask

"Waiting might be the only option. Also, if you ever have doubts about Tzuyu and her first ex, just remember that they Tzuyu was the one who ended their relationship. She's completely trustworthy, so her first ex is not someone you should worry about"

"Thanks Momo, I'll use your advice. I just hope I didn't completely mess things up" I reply as Momo is about to leave my room.

I don't know what got into me awhile ago. Was I jealous or curious? Was it both?

I decide to message Dahyun to try to apologize.

"I'm sorry for arguing with you awhile ago. I was just out of my head" I message

No reply though. She's still mad then. I'm just making everything worse around me. JYP and Dahyun already warned me to not make a mistake, yet here I am. 

i just want to stay happy with both of you. I don't understand why I can never do so. Just when one problem is fixed, another comes.

Why am I... starting to tear up?? I don't want to cry, but I can't stop myself. I'll get their pillow wet if I continue to cry. It feels great to let it all out though.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I keep messing up. Why do I always have to apologize? I wish I could be better for both of you.

You're My Best Mistake ( Tzuyu X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now