16 ( Celebration? )

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"Wait, you want to go together??" I ask Tzuyu.

"We can, we're official now, so what's so bad about taking a shower together? Plus it saves time and water" she replies

"That's not the problem here. Isn't it kind of fast? It hasn't been an hour and you want to do this already?"

"It's fine. Think of this as a reward that you deserve for answering correctly awhile ago" she says while biting her lips

"No, absolutely not. That lip bite says it all, we're not taking a shower together"

"Awww, fine.... none of that. Just... pwease??" she begs in a cute voice.

"Fine, but you promised" I reply

We enter the bathroom together.

"Alright, you won't be needing these" she says as she tries to take my clothes off.

"Stop!! WHY?! I can take my own clothes off" I say.

"Fine, I'll take my own off then. I was going to let you do the same to me, but I guess you would rather take your own shirt off"

"What?!??! Why are you thinking about erotic stuff right now? We're supposed to take a shower"

"Whatever" she replies as she gets inside the shower

Really? She get's annoyed because of this? That's the most Tzuyu thing to do.

I enter the shower as well and turn to shower knob.

"Warm right? The rain was pretty cold" I ask

"Yes, can you also wash my hair for me?"

"Eh? You're old enough to do that yourself. Stop being weird. I don't know what you're thinking, but you can do it yourself right?" I say

"You're no fun Y/N! I'm not thinking of anything, just wash my hair for me. A simple favor I'm asking for"

Our first argument together is about whether I should wash her hair or not. That sounds like something out of a love novel. 

"If you really want me to then I will. What do I get in return though?" I ask

"What do you want then? Do you want the reward now?" she replies

"I'll think about it. We need to hurry up though. The others are waiting for us"

I wash her hair for her and we finish taking the shower.

"You should leave first, then I go. They won't think we went at the same time then" she suggests

"What? At this point they already know. Let's just go already" I say as I open the door.

That was a mistake.

"WHY ARE YOU IN TZUYU'S ROOM?!" I ask the others.

"We were just here to check on you, but you left the bathroom at the wrong time" they reply

"Where's Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung asks

"I'm here" Tzuyu replies as she leaves the bathroom. Now she's done it. They didn't even know, we could have made them leave first

"Oh my god, you two showered at the same time??" Nayeon asks

"So? It would be great if you guys leave, so we could change" Tzuyu replies.

The others leave the room and we begin to change.

"You shouldn't have left the bathroom honestly. They didn't know and we could have gotten away with it"

You're My Best Mistake ( Tzuyu X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now