Chapter 1: death in light of the stage

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Hi there my beautiful kittens! It's me back again with a really cool story! And like always: My first language isn't english, so there will be some spelling / writing mistakes! Also I'm going to use the school system of my country, simply because I don't know how other school systems work!

"Finally!", I thought, when the bell rang to tell me that the end of this schoolday had finally come! I packed my stuff into my backbag in a speed that could have been a record! "And don't forget the school theater tonight!", said Ms. Dixon in her high pitched voice! As if I could possibly forget that! My sister was playing a role there and I couldn't wait to finally see her on a stage for the first time!
But now it was time for lunch, so like every day I went to my quiet table in the corner of the lunch room, where my sister already waited for me with the food. "There you go! The same food as always and I made sure that nobody thouched it!", she said while putting it on my side of the table. I smiled at her for response and said thanks. The people thought that I was weared because I rarely talked to any of them, always did the same things day for day and a ton of other reasons. But as an autist did I just disliked social stuff or a change of routine!
My sister was one of the few persons that I could talk to without feeling anxious. She knew that I was autistic and I knew her for so long that I knew what I could say to her without accidently offending her. She was extremely exited about tonight and just talked non stop about it. Somehow she even actually managed it to finish her food! I just listend to her and ate my food. When we finished, she went to the theater room to help with the preperations. I went to my dorm and did my homework. One of the few things I liked about beeing autistic was that I was highly intelligent! But for some reason that 'high intelligence' of my arse decided to randomly disappear when the last open homework for today was the latin homework. I didn't want ruin my day so I decided to do it later. The clock said that it was 4:21 pm. There was still some time until the theater would start so I grabed my headphones and turned on my favourite playlist on spotify.
I was just jamming to LEMONS by Brye ft. Cavetown when my room mate Riley came in. She was one of the other persons that I was close to! "Hi Lee!", she said. I greeted her back and realised that it was time to get ready for the theater! "Soo what do you want to wear?", I asked her. "That one red dress that I bought specifically for tonight and you?" she asked. I told her that I wanted to wear my favourite black dress.
We walked to the theater together after we both got ready. Rose (a/n: her sisters name is Rose!) was able to organise us two seats in the middle of the first row!
We sat down and after a few minutes was every seat taken. Two eight graders closed the two doors and turned the lights off. The people who have been talking and making noise where now finally shutting up as the orchestra started to play.
Then the curtains opened and the play began! They where playing the same play that was played ten years ago to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the school! The name of the play is "my fair lady".
I liked the the story, that I already knew from the movie version and I liked the version that the theater club was performing.
It was a beautiful evening but the part with beautiful just disappeared when the actor that played Eliza Doolitle fainted. Kara Jefferson and a few other people run to the poor girl! I knew something was wrong up there and gave a look to Riley who must have thought the same! A murmur went through the crowd and Kara was halve unconcios and her skin had turned completely pale when she said: "C-clara is.. dead!" Then she run paralized by the shock from the stage! The headmaster who was on the stage now shouted into the whispering crowd:" Every student here goes now to their dorms! The teachers go into the teachers room! I'm now going to call the police and until they're here do I not want to see any persons on the halways!" I lost Riley in the crowds of students amd teachers going to their dorms and made my way to my own! Riley and Rose were already there!
"Rose! Are you ok?", I asked. "Yeah I am.. but Clara! Why would anybody do this to her? She was always so nice a-and onetime she even brought cookies for all! And-", She said but I cut her off. I hated to see her like this so I did something I rarely did. I gave her a hug! Rose was surprised at first but then she hugged me back and cried!
We were like that for some minutes and I was able to calm her down when suddenly somebody knocked at the door. It turne out that the few minutes where 10 minuets and the police is here now. And one of these officers wants to question Rose so we let go of our hug and Riley and me watched Rose leaving with the police officer.

So that's the first chapter of my new book! When you liked it then just click the star symbol and add the book to your library when you want to be notified when I'm posting a new chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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