The protector

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Waverly squeezed Nicole's hands. "Svane seeks to breed fear among the people. In that way they will do his bidding."

"It's children," Nicole replied, still shaking. "I would never have agreed to this."

"Which is why you must go to Saker's Keep," the soothsayer interrupted. "Only there can we build an army to rival Svane's. An army which you will lead."

"Wait, wait. How can I lead an army? I'm a taxi driver. I drive taxis in London for heaven's sake."

Waverly led her back outside, guiding them to the edge of the lake. "My liege, it would not be wise to interfere."

Nicole pulled her hand away. How can you say that? How can you let Svane do this? I don't understand. "I'm not standing back while they get to do whatever they want. I'm not having that on my conscience, you hear."

"You now understand the treaty," Waverly replied. "The immense weight you carried on your shoulders."

"To hell with the treaty," she snapped. "Kids' lives are at stake here."

"We go to Saker's Keep," Waverly pressed.

"How are you okay with this?"

"Their sacrifice will ensure our victory."

Nicole recoiled at Waverly's words. "No. No. No. Just no. Not children. They've done nothing wrong."

"My liege, if you show yourself now all is lost."

"I don't care," Nicole replied. She doesn't understand. Why doesn't she understand? "Seriously, that fu...that Svane guy cannot do this. He can't. I won't let him."

"You cannot fight this on your own."

"I really can. I have to." Nicole fell to her knees. "This is so fucked up. I wish I'd never come back. I wish...I wish. Waverly, help me."

Waverly stroked Nicole's dark hair. "It is enough you have finally returned to us."

Those words sank deep into Nicole's soul. Until she came across the village, until the death of the old man and the uncertain fate of the children, she hadn't truly understood the evil now infecting this world, or how ignorant she had been to what was going on in Rathe, while she merrily messed about in a boat on a lilac lake. Biggest wake-up call ever.

"I'm back. I'm back," she replied, not quite believing her own words, while wanting them to be true. Her body heaved as her heart spilled over, emotions she didn't know were stuffed down for so long she'd forgotten. "They trusted me," she sobbed. "Those villagers..."

"Come, we need to go," Waverly soothed.

"You go with the others," she replied, using her sleeve to remove the fluid leaking from her cracked-open heart. "I'll figure this out."

"My liege, if you reveal your return too soon."

Nicole looked up into Waverly's eyes. "I have to do this. I'm sorry."

Her hand went to Landoryn, willing herself to change. "Please, please, please, for the children. I have to do this."

"Do not play into their hands," Landoryn whispered. "The children are not your concern. Not yet."

Nicole gripped the stone tighter. "Spirit of the wolf."

"I am here to protect you," Landoryn replied. "Listen to your companion."

"Spirit of the wolf," she repeated. "Damn you, spirit of the wolf."

"Go with your loved ones."

Nicole lifted the chain from her neck, throwing it as far as she could into the lake. "Fuck you. And, fuck this."

The Winter Phoenix (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now