Nicole forced herself not to smile on hearing her kingdom was the daddy. "Tell me about the others."

"I cannot. I was not invited to the discussions."

"What discussions?"

"I may have been your consort," Waverly replied, "but I was not welcome at the table."

Nicole felt another cold blast heading in her direction, sensing if she kept asking questions Waverly would clam up completely. As much as curiosity was pushing her to find out more, every new piece of information was beginning to hook itself onto her brain, dragging her a little further into this strange world. And, she really didn't want to be reeled in like a flapping fish, much less damage the little she had going with Waverly.

She peeled her tunic from the drying rack, pushing her arms through the sleeves, wishing she knew a magic spell to instantly dry clothes, or had installed a tumble dryer in the cabin, recognising electricity wasn't part of the deal in Rathe. "Things will be different this time," she muttered to herself as she watched Waverly finish packing.

Closing the door on the cabin the chill of the outside air had her shivering again, Waverly returning for a blanket for their journey to the outer edge of the lake. She made sure not to repeat her performance getting into the boat, Waverly gracefully rowing them towards Holliday's cabin where the others were waiting.

She sensed the tension as they entered, the soothsayer nodding to Waverly. He motioned for Nicole to step outside, closing the door behind them. "She cannot come with us. Or the others."

"She can. She's not staying here."

He growled under his moustache, keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard. "Too many will slow us down. And we are short on supplies."

"Then we don't go. I'm heading back to London. With Waverly."

He grabbed her roughly by the arm, pulling her further down the path. "Get one thing clear, you are going to Saker's Keep."

Nicole yanked herself free, rubbing where his fingers had pressed into her skin. "I shouldn't even be here. Remember." She took a step back fearing he might grab her again. "Look, whatever you have planned forget it. My priority is my wife. No one else."

His eyes narrowed at her defiance. "I have seen what he wants."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have seen where Bulshar's true desires lie."

"Look fella," she replied, "this is not my fight. This place means nothing to me. So, if you think I'm going to waltz back in and save the day you're an idiot."

The cabin door opened, Waverly approaching. "I will remain here," she said. "It is best for everyone."

"No," Nicole snapped. "Sorry, but we've been through this already. You and I are returning to London."

"What about my parents?"

"For fuck's sake," she mouthed. "Okay, where are they?"

"Not far from Saker's Keep."

Nicole raised her arms in resignation. "Are they safe?"

"I believe so."

"Right. So we can leave them there for now." Waverly's expression told her that wasn't what she wanted. "Do we need to rescue your parents?"

She nodded.

Nicole let out a frustrated sigh. Great, just great. First you don't want to go to this Saker's place, then you do. Now you want me to rescue your parents. And fuzzy face here wants me to take on the dark lord. Harry Potter had it way easier with Voldemort.

The Winter Phoenix (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now