Chapter 8

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Y/N woke up as she felt lips on her forehead. She stirred around, her eyes still closed. "Mhm... good morning." She opened her eyes and saw Johnny leaning in and kissing her forehead again. 

"Good morning, doll." Johnny said. "How are you?" 

"I'm okay." Y/N said. "Much better, thanks to you." She smiled at him. 

"My pleasure, baby." Johnny said. "Hungry?" 

"Yeah, but I don't want to get up." Y/N said and put her arm around Johnny. Cuddling him. "Can we cuddle a bit and then go?" She looked up at him, scared that he would say no. 

"Of course we can. I never say no to cuddles." Johnny said wrapping his arms around her and squeezed her, which made her giggle. 

But there cute moment was disturbed when Y/N's door opened and Ben stepped in. "Hey, baby Richards!" He said. Ben paused when he saw Y/N and Johnny. "Who're you?" He asked Johnny. 

"Hey, Ben." Y/N said getting up. "What are you doing here so early?" 

"Well Reed called me. He told me what happened and I got you your favourite sandwich." Ben held his hand up and showed Y/N the bag he was carrying. 

"Oh, Ben. Thank you." Y/N said and walked over to him and hugged him. 

"So the question is who are you?" Ben pointed at Johnny who was already up and standing beside Y/N.

"He's Johnny. Y/N's boyfriend." Reed said from the doorway. "I told him you were sleeping he didn't listen to me." Reed said to both Y/N and Johnny. 

"Hi." Johnny said extending his hand towards Ben to shake. "I'm Johnny." 

Ben eyed him for a minute before taking his hand and shook it. "Ben. Consider me as her big brother." 

Johnny sighed, "Okay." 

"Breakfast's ready. Come downstairs when you're ready." Reed said and pulled Ben out of the room with him. "Let them have some time to themselves." He said to Ben as they got out of the room. 

"Since when?" Ben asked him.

"Two days" Reed answered him. 

Meanwhile back in Y/N's room Johnny was waiting for Y/N to come back from the bathroom.  "Who is he again?"He asked Y/N as she exits the bathroom.

He's Ben Grimm. My brother's best friend since college. Sue knows him as well." Y/N said. "You don't have to be scared of him. He'll warm up to soon." She smiled at him. 

"Yeah." Johnny said. "Wanna go downstairs? I'm really hungry!" Johnny ribbed his stomach with his hands. Y/N giggled at his reaction. 

"Yeah. Let's go."Y/N said taking his hands and both of them made their way downstairs to the kitchen where Reed had already made breakfast. "Hey! Guys. Good morning!" Y/N said. 

"Hey Y/N. How did you sleep last night?" Sue asked her. "Hope Johnny didn't snore loudly." Sue laughed. 

"It was once. Come on, Sue. Grow up." Johnny groaned. "And I was the one who woke up in the middle of the night when I heard some noises coming from your room." Johnny pointed at Reed. "I told you to be quiet." 

Both Reed and Sue looked at each other and shook their heads. Ben started laughing while Y/N giggled at the memory of Johnny telling her about them last night when she woke up. "What's for breakfast, Reed?" Y/N said, changing the subject. 

"The usual." Reed answered. 

"Okay." Y/N said and made her way to the kitchen to get two plates for her and Johnny.

"You don't want the sandwich?" Ben asked. 

"Not right now. I'll eat it later." Y/N said to Ben. 

"When are you leaving for work?" Reed asked her. 

"You work on Sundays too?" Johnny asked her. 

"Yeah, I do. But I don't feel like going to work today. I think I'll stay home and go if there's an emergency." Y/N said. "I'll call Mark and tell him later."

"Great." Reed said. "Just a lazy Sunday. Why don't we all watch movies today? Sue, Johnny are you staying?" 

"I don't mind staying. What about you Johnny?" Sue asked her brother. 

"Yeah. I'll stay. But, I need new clothes. These stink a bit. So I'll just make a trip back home, get some clothes and come back." Johnny said. 

"Good. Ben you staying?" Reed said.

"Of course." Ben said. 

"Then its decided. Movie time." Reed cheered a bit. 


Johnny came back with his clothes and went to Y/N's room to tell her. "Hey, I'm back." He said to Y/N, who was talking on the phone. 

"Okay. Thanks. Call me if there is and emergency, okay?" Y/N said in her phone. "Yeah. Bye." She said and ended the call. "Hey, Johnny. When did you come?" 

"Just now. Was that Mark on the phone?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I told him I won't be coming today." She said putting the phone on her night stand and sat next to Johnny. "You can use the bathroom if you want." Y/N pointed at her bathroom.

"Okay." He said. "Hey, Y/N. I wanted to tell you something." 

"Go ahead." Y/N turned towards Johnny, giving him her full attention. 

"I know it's way too early but uh.... I-I love you, Y/N." Johnny said. "Y-You don't have to say it-"

Y/N cut him off by pulling him towards her by his shirt and kissed him hard. Johnny was shocked by her sudden reaction, but eventually kissed her back. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. He licked her bottom lip, asking for permission. Y/N opened her mouth and his tongue immediately evaded her mouth. She moaned loudly as Johnny explored her mouth. Johnny's arm went down to her waist and he pulled her onto his lap. They kept kissing for a few minutes, before pulling away due to lack of oxygen. "I love you too, Johnny." Y/N said. 

Johnny smiled at her and and started kissing her all over her face, making her giggle. "I have been waiting to say that since I saw you at the cafe." Johnny said. "I love you." He said again. 

Y/N cupped his face in her small hands and pecked his lips. "Me too. I'm glad we are on the same page." 

"Yeah." Johnny said. "I should really take a bath, you know? I stink a lot."

"No, you don't stink at all." Y/N said and kissed him again. Johnny moaned as she forced her tongue in his mouth. 

"Woah woah. Calm down, tigress." Johnny laughed as he pulled away. 

"Tigress? Huh?" Y/N asked him.

"Well considering your gender, you can't be tiger." Johnny said. 

"Then who is?" She asked him. 

"I can be your tiger if you want?" Johnny smirked.

"Yes you can, my tiger." Y/N said.

"God! I love you." Johnny said.

"I love you too."

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