Cramps (Fluff) L.L.

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You were laying in your bed, holding your legs to your knees in a ball, tears coming to your eyes from the intense cramping. You had only left your bed to go to the restroom and get food which mostly consisted of ice cream (if you are lactose intolerant or vegan then let's say it's dairy free ice cream), and a lot of junk food.

Loki's POV

I have barely seen Y/N these past few days besides when she was looking in the fridge or food pantry.

"Lady Natasha what has happened to Y/N? She has barely come out of her room." I asked. I had become very concerned for her in these past few days. Natasha was looking at her phone on the couch.

"She's on her period," she said bluntly, not looking up from her phone. I raised an eyebrow.

"As in punctuation?" I asked quizzically. She looked at me straight in the eye.

"You know, when a female bleeds from her vag for about a week?" I visibly paled and my eyes widened.

"What can be done to help it?"

"Usually some of their comfort food and a hot water bottle to help the cramps. Sometimes some cuddling could help with it as well."

Your POV (2nd Person)

You were still laying in bed, curled in a ball trying to ignore the pain without any successful outcome, when somebody knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" You groaned, not wanting to socialize at this particular time. The door cracked open to show Loki, his eyes soft when looking at you, his brows furrowed with worry.

"Are you alright darling? Lady Natasha said you are unwell right now," he said, not coming into the room yet, "I bring peace offerings in the form of food and a hot water bottle if you will allow me in."

"I accept your peace offerings. You are allowed further," you sit up a bit, which apparently your period did not enjoy, furthering the pain in your lower abdomen. You whimper involuntarily at the harsh pain.

"My mother has taught me how to make a herbal tea that might help in this situation if you would like it?" He asks softly, placing the food on your side table and giving you the hot water bottle.

"Yeah, I would like that," you give him a small smile which he returns.

After you eat the food and drink the herbal tea Loki gave you, you curl back up in your bed, the hot water bottle being put to the pained area. Loki got up from the side chair, about to leave.


"Yes Y/N?"

"Could you, um," you were hesitant to ask this, seeing that he was mostly quiet and reserved, even though he had gotten comfortable around you, "Could you, cuddle with me," you asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed as soon as you finished the last word. You pulled the blanket up to right under your eyes, nervous of his answer.

You were soon silently answered by him sliding into the bed next to you, pulling you into his arms. You shifted closer to him and locked your legs together, finally feeling comfortable and not pained. You both synced your breathing absent mindedly, soothing you both into a comfortable sleep, with you safe in his arms.

I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing a story, even if it was a one shot. If it needs any improvements let me know!


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