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Precap: Purvi had left for the bureau

On the other side, we can see a boy getting ready in a formal attire. He wore a red T shirt and blue jeans with black colour leather jacket he was looking extremely hot🥵🔥🔥
( ofcource he is non other than our story hero)

Kavin got ready and went to dining table for having breakfast.

Kavin's mother: kavin why did you get ready this much early? if you forgot then let me tell you the distance between our house and bureau is just 2km. What will you do there by going this much early? Ohh ya wait how can i forgot, you will scold your juniors who are late even by 1 second right?

Kavin: maaaaa..... its Not like that, I don't scold them for unnecessary reasons they have to be punctual and disciplined but most of them are not so I scold them so that they don't repeat their mistake but even after that they repeat it and also today I need to go early as 2 female officers are joining today

KM: ohh wow nice kavin. i am giving you permission that you can select one of the newly joining female officers for your marriage

Kavin: maaaa please not again... Don't bring that marriage topic first of all anju should be settled after that only i will do marriage

Anjali: bhaiiiiii...... I am studying  2nd year now, how can I get married

Kavin: you can you are now major😒 and don't talk in between when elders are talking, how many times should i tell you and you are you a kid to forgot or are you that much old to forgot what I said. Better don't repeat it again.

Shreya: okk sorry

KM in mind: ohh god not again why this kavin always taunt and scold anju. she is now big enough to make her own decisions. Also we are talking about her only and she has right to talk.  kavin will never change until and unless a girl comes into his life

Kavin: ma what are you thinking

KM: kavin I am thinking that anju is now mature enough to take her own decisions regarding her marriage and also she has right to interefere in between as we are talking about her and...

Kavin: enough ma she is not that much big enough to chose her partner we are there for her to choose the partner, if you support her like this one day she will be in love with someone and with dare she will tell us that she has a boyfriend and.....

Shreya: bhai I will not do anything like that I know my limits and also what is wrong to.....

Kavin: ANJALIIII how many times should I tell you to don't interrupt in between (he shouted)

Anjali had tears in her eyes and she ran away from there

KM: kavinnnnnn why do you always shout on her and don't put these many restrictions to her she also have a life to live she also want to be independent of her decisions don't always involve in her matters (by saying this his mother left from there angrily)

Kavin: huhh no body understands me if I am not like this to her then she will also run way from home like my friend's sister.

And he also left for bureau

PRECAP: Kavin's anger on Purvi


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