Chapter 3: Bedtime Stories

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< Author's Note: >

...Okay so, I guess this is a real fic now, not a one shot.

Let me make this clear, this was never intended. But dangit, I love this ship, and I will die on this hill: Ekko and Powder deserve some happiness together.

So, no promises for future uploads now, but it's highly probable that I'll keep posting new chapters from time to time. With that said, allow me to explain the canon of this AU, in case anyone is wondering about what the backstory is.

This is my take on a "what if act 1 never happened?" story. So, Powder and Vi still grew up as normal in the show, the whole of act 1 from the heist on Jayce's workshop to that traumatizing ending of episode 3 just never happened, and the characters grew up in relative peace. Ekko and Jinx obviously got married years later, and Jinx is now one of the founders and leaders of the Firelights alongside Ekko. Vi and Cait still met and got together because I said so, and all the characters from the show are still alive and well in this world. This is set a few years after the ending of Act 3 in terms of timeline, but I won't go into detail on how far exactly, so use your imagination there. Powder and Ekko are somewhere in their early 20's in this, for reference.

All that clear? Good? Good.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Ekko walked up the long, wooden staircase of his home, moving as quiet as his boots would allow. Blue rested in his right arm, cheek against his shoulder and a bit of drool at the corner of her mouth, fast asleep. In his left arm he carried Beni, curled up against this other shoulder, just as fast asleep as her sister. He tried to keep his upper body as still as possible to avoid waking them, even as he carried them up the stairs to their room.

Were they always this heavy? He thought with a sigh. Scar had warned him they would grow up quickly, but even still he wasn't prepared for it. They would be five, come winter, which was still thankfully another half year away... he wasn't sure he was ready for it.

Just slow down for a bit, won't you?

The thought that they must get their fast-paced nature from their mother crossed his mind, and he smiled at no one in particular. Powder had been a faster grower than him too, back when they were little...

He eased the door of the girls' room open, careful to avoid any bit of noise, before walking into the dimly lit room. The two windows let in what little sunlight remained at the end of the day, and Ekko carried the girls over to Beni's bed first. He awkwardly leaned sideways to try and set down Beni first, still trying to hold Blue tight, and managed to get her all the way into bed when Blue yawned.

Well, guess there goes the plan of getting them to bed without waking them up...

"Mm," Blue mumbled, rubbing at her eyes with both of her tiny fists.

"Tired, Boo?" Ekko whispered to her, holding her carefully in both arms now.

She mumbled something incoherent again, her shoulders sagging with exhaustion as her bright blue eyes blinked rapidly until they opened fully.

"Where's mommy?" Blue asked, and Ekko sighed. Of all his girls, not only did Blue look the most like Powder, but she was the most similar to their mother... and the most attached to her.

"She's giving Spark a bath," Ekko whispered, trying not to wake Beni. "Then coming up to bed, too."

Blue nodded, but it didn't really look like she was listening.

"Blue?" Beni's tired, squeaky voice came from the bed, and Ekko let out a tiny sigh as he realised the odds of a quiet, early night were quickly diminishing.

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