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"Clearly, you weren't actually born here, right?" Tony asked Cap as him, Elle and Steve all walked the base of Camp Lehigh,

"The idea of me was." Steve said, lowering his head so no one would recognize him.

"Weren't we here when S.H.I.E.L.D. was compromised?" Elle asked outloud and Steve nodded and looked at the building that they had blown up in their time

"Oh..." Elle said trailing off and the three of them walked into the elevator.

"Elle, you're with me." Tony said and Elle nodded and they went down the elevator and into a new level.

They began running, Elle following after Tony and he looked around, trying to find the Tesseract.

"Gotcha." He said and went to pull out a laser but Elle had used her telekinesis to pull apart the box. Tony grabbed the Tesseract and a voice cut him off guard.

"Arnim, are you in here?" A voice asked and a man looked over at the father-daughter duo.

"Hey!" The voice yelled and Tony an Elle both turned to walk away but the man spoke.

"The door is this way." He said and Tony let out a shaky laugh.

"What's your names?" The man asked looking at them and Tony spoke.

"Howard...Potts, and this is my daughter... Athena Potts." Tony said and the man smiled and spoke.

"Well, that will be easy to remember, I'm Howard Stark." He said and Elle choked on her spit.

Elle looked down at the little blonde haired girl that laid on her lap as she played with her little curls.- the memory of meeting her Grandfather playing over and over in her head.

 The TV softly played in the background as the little girls snores could be heard. Her little monkey was placed by her side.

"Are you guys okay?" Rhodey asked walking into the living room of Elle's home. Elle nodded and looked back at her uncle.

"Yeah, she was just falling back to sleep. I think it was a nightmare." Elle said and Rhodey nodded and made his way over to the couch.

"The dad doesn't know, does he?" He asked and Elle shook her head, still playing with the curls.

"No, and I won't tell him. Wren is doing fine on her own." Elle said and Rhodey nodded and spoke softly.

"How'd you meet this guy anyways?" He asked and Elle chuckled softly and picked Elle up, placing her in her arms. She walked around the couch and looked at Rhodey.

"He was from the Amazon. A quiet guy, had an Irish accent." Was all she said and walked into Wren's room and placed her daughter in her crib to finally get comfortable for bed.

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