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Eleanor Stark stepped off the van that had brought her just outside of a small town in New Jersey and she looked around the entire place-seeing vans, trucks and other vehicles around, almost as if they were forming some sort of barricade.

"Miss Stark!" A voice said calling out to Elle. She turned, seeing Director Hayward the director of S.W.O.R.D. and she raised an eyebrow.

"Director." She said giving the man a look.

"I'm glad you could make it." He said and she gave him a curt nod and he cocked his head to the small facility.

"What is going on?" Elle asked looking at Hayward and he sighed as they began walking inside the facility.

"Well, as you know from previous events the world hasn't been the same. People have been going through waves of Post-Blip depression and everyone has a different reaction to it." He said and Elle cleared her throat feeling uncomfortable and spoke.

"Sure." She said and Hayward spoke softly.

"Wanda Maximoff has created a problem. She stole Vision's body from our facility, took him here and created some sort of world, we think." Hayward said and Elle's eyebrows furrowed inwards.

"Wanda Maximoff?" She asked not believing what he was saying.

"Yes. And I had figured with how close you both were you could help us. We believe she might have people in her world." He said and Elle went to speak when she heard Wanda speaking in the background.

"Well, it's our anniversary!" Elle heard Wanda say and Elle tilted her head slightly and heard a familiar voice after.

"Our anniversary of what?" Vision asked and Elle's eyes widened seeing Vision appear on the screen. 

"Is this-" She went to ask but he cut her off.

"Happening in real time? Yes." He said and Elle bit her lip and then a voice spoke.

"Elle Stark, Jimmy Choo." A man said and Elle turned and saw the FBI agent.

"Nice to meet you, Agent Choo." She said and Darcy Lewis walked up to her.

"Elle?" She saked and Elle raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Darcy?" She asked and Darcy gave her a small smile and spoke.

"Nice to see you." Darcy said and Elle nodded and spoke.

"It's great to see you too, what's going on?" She asked and Darcy pointed to where an old TV sat and she walked over to it.

"Look, I know it's been a crazy year, but he's dead right?" Darcy asked looking over at Elle and Elle nodded

"Yeah, he's uh, he's dead." She said and breathed in deep, trying to figure out a plan.

"We need to figure out what's going on." Elle said and Jimmy nodded, agreeing with her and Elle looked at Hayward.

"Have you tried sending people in?" She asked and then a woman came out from the hall.

"I came from in there." The lady said and Elle turned to her and the woman stuck her arm out.

"Captain Monica Rambeau." She said and Elle grabbed her hand and shook it.

"Elle Stark." She said and Monica nodded and spoke looking at the screen.

"Wanda- she's the one who created this. There's people in there who have no idea what's going on." She said and Elle licked her lips and spoke.

"I think losing Vision got to Wanda." She said and Monica nodded and spoke softly.

"I agree. When I was in there and finally was able to realize what was going on, all I felt was pain. She's mourning." Monica said and Elle nodded and looked at Hayward.

"She lost him- twice. And then she had to come back and realize he was gone again." She said and Monica nodded, as if she understood to a certain level, Elle looked down to the floor and breathed out thinking about when she had lost her father.


Elle watched as Thanos used the Power Stone against Carol Danvers, pushing her to the ground. Elle watched as Thanos had grabbed the gauntlet and the powers from all six stones surged through his body. Elle shook her head, knowing that he wasn't going to win for a second time, not when she had too much at stake. She had just gotten everyone back.

Elle jumped up in the air, using her white energy to surround herself and she landed in front of Thanos and used her magic to hold his hand down. She head butted him and then kicked him in the chest. He stumbled back a bit and then Tony had came and began blasting him.

Elle used her powers to hold the gauntlet covered hand in place and she grunted as she began taking it off. Tony watched what she was doing and blasted her backwards. She tumbled, hitting a couple of rocks and she grunted and shook her head- seeing Thanos getting ready to snap his fingers.

She let out a battle cry and threw Thanos backwards. She watched as the alien tumbled and she grabbed a sword that was laying on the ground and jumped in the air, landing before Thanos. She raised the sword and digged it deep into his chest. He let out a gasp and she grabbed his hand and turned it- seeing that all six stones were gone.

"Where are they?!" She yelled and he didn't answer.

She retracted the sword from his chest and brought it up to his throat.

"Where are the stones?" She asked and once he didn't answer she moved her arm to slice but before she could he dusted away.

Elle looked around, a confused expression written all over her face and she turned to see the aliens dusting as if they had been snapped. She looked around and saw Rhodey bending down towards something that was leaning on a rock.

She rushed over and Rhodey moved out the way and Peter's soft sobs came through.

"We did it Mr. Stark, we won. We won." He said and Elle tilted her head and ran towards them. She watched as her father lay on the rock, half of his body charred from using the gauntlet and she shook her head, feeling hot tears trying to push the rim on her eyelids.

"No, no, no, no." She mumbled to herself and bent down in front of him, shaking her head.

She looked into his dark chocolate eyes and spoke. "No, Dad, no." She said and he gave her a soft smile, tears in his eyes knowing that this was the last time he was ever going to see his oldest daughter.

"Daddy, no." She said and she moved her hand over his Arc Reactor and began using her powers to try and give her a little more time. Tony put his hand over hers and shook his slightly.

"I-I love you..." He whispered and Elle shook her head and spoke.

"You can't leave me, Dad." She said and the light from the Arc Reactor went out and the tears came out from her eyes. She leaned her head on his chest and let out a heart breaking sob. 

Elle let out a cough and looked at Hayward.

"I want to get in contact with Wanda. Maybe I can pull her back." Elle said and Hayward nodded and Elle looked down at the screen, seeing Vision appear.

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