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Elle walked in the streets with Bucky as Sam spoke over the coms.

"I'm almost there." He said and Elle nodded and spoke.

"Alright." Elle mumbled and walked through a group of military men.

"Sergeant Barnes, Miss Stark." They said letting them go through and Elle breathed in deep, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"I have a woman on the inside." Elle said and Sam raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Who?" He asked and Vera spoke from the other line.

"Vera. I can't believe this building. It is huge" She said, her Russian accent coming through.

"You've got a Black Widow on the inside?" He asked and Elle laughed and spoke.

"No, I have the Umbra Mortis on the inside." She said and Vera scoffed and Elle looked around.

"Karli could be watching your every move Sam. Be careful." Elle said and Sam nodded and spoke.

"Mhm, got it Mom." He said and Elle rolled her eyes and Sam spoke.

"Elle, there's gas, can you get it out?" Sam asked and Elle raised her eyebrows and teleported into the building.

She looked around seeing gas take up rooms and she moved her hands, her white energy surrounding the room and she threw the gas up into the air, hoping it would evaporate like the last time.

Elle rushed to the window and saw a figure dressed in a red, white, and blue suit.

"Is that Walker?" She asked looking at the figure and Sam nodded.

"Shit."He mumbled and Elle breathed out.

"Elle, you got this?" Vera asked and Elle nodded and spoke.

"I got it." Was all she said.

Elle jumped down to go to him and she spoke.

"John Walker, put down your shield." She said and he didn't listen and he spoke.

"I will fight you if I have to." He said and Elle scoffed and looked at him.

"Don't act like you'll win." She said and John threw the makeshift shield at her and she ducked and threw out her magic. Before anything else could happen, a creaking noise came from the sky and Elle saw a truck going to fall. She raised her hands above her, her magic soaring to the truck and she went to push it back but John went and kicked her, the force of the serum pushing her back and she went flying through the air. Luckily, Sam caught the truck before anything else could happen.

Elle groaned as she got up and rushed to John and threw a punch across his face. He backed up a bit and she smiled and spoke.

"You won't win." She said and she took her powers and aimed for his head, seconds later he dropped to the ground with a thud.

Elle walked back to where the news station was and there was Sam, in his new suit and Elle smiled and saw that he had the shield in his hands, as he spoke to a news anchor. Elle saw Bucky and Sharon and she walked up to them and spoke.

"I dealt with John already." She said and Sharon nodded as Sam walked over to them. Elle smiled and spoke.

"I'm liking the new suit, Captain." She said and Sam smiled and looked down at her.

"I couldn't have done it without you." He said and then looked at Bucky as well and Elle smiled softly and pulled Sam into a bone crushing hug.

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