Episode 22: Please not you

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1 year later
POV Taehyun
With all the evidence Chaeryeong and me found, I know my whole family, Seulgi told me her side of the story to and we all had it figured out, besides one thing

How did our parents die

I decided to call Seulgi while Chaeryeong went to the store

"Hey Noona, would you mind coming to the police station with me, maybe we can find out more about our parents"
"Of course! Tell me the days your free and I'll fit it in my schedule"
"Great! Ill text you later, thank you so much for all the help by the way"
"No problem, see you then!"

I let out a sigh of relief, I feel like I'm no longer lost now, I have Chaer and found my sister, I found out who my parents were, the only problem is I haven't really been seeing my dad, I know he's one of the police men and he was a little sensitive on this subject but he could still be there for me and help me

We'll find out tomorrow I guess


"Hey glad you could make it!" I said and bowed to her she smiled and bowed back, even though we're siblings it's still awkward since we haven't been together for years

We headed in to the building and I went to my dads group "Appa!" I said and he looked at me in a bit of a panic "Taehyun-ah what are you-" he stopped as soon as he saw Seulgi

He looked at her with wide eyes as she looked at him confused and kinda freaked out "This is Seulgi, we met a few days ago, she's my-" "Your real sister, I know" He said not looking away from her, her eyes were fixed on his while mine were on his as well "Wait, you knew? All this time, I've been trying to find my past, new I had a sibling I couldn't find and you know?" I said and he finally looked in my direction

"I had too, you weren't suppose to find out this much" "I wasn't suppose to find out this much?! What are you talking about?" "Taehyun, calm down, you don't understand" "Then make me understand, tell me what happened, tell my why both of my parents are on that board instead of here right now" I said my eyes were a little teary, his team was exchanging glances at us throughout the conversation

"Taehyun please drop it, you found the only blood family you have, you found out who your parents are, there gone, that's it" He said and I scoffed, Seulgi rubbed my back as she glanced around the room "That's not it, I want to know what happened to them, why my dad is your number one lead, why there case went cold, I'm starting to think it was on purpose" After I said that, his eyes showed me disbelief and guilt

I looked at Seulgi who tugged my arm "Is that me?" She said terrified as she looked at the board which was in the middle of there pod area, I looked behind my dad as he turned around

Seulgi's picture was there when she was younger, she was knocked out with blood on her dress, beside it was a picture of me younger, I was also knocked out and had blood on my cheeks and shirt

I walked right past my dad as he tried to stop me, I looked more at the board, it was different from the last time I saw it

"What is this?" I said and caught a name on the board, it was his "Dad what's your name doing here?" I asked and he sighed looking down while his team eyed him and me

"Taehyun, there's a lot to explain, can we go somewhere private?" He said and I went over to grab Seulgi's hand "There better be a good reason, Seulgi's coming with us" I said and he sighed not even looking at me, we followed him to a private room

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