I pulled my head back, the look on Francesca's face was of disgust. She pursed her lips as if she was going to spit on me. But pulled them back into her famous red lipped smirk, and walked away her heels clipping the ground as she walked away,

Liam looked up at me, I didn't move, he stood up, "What did she just say?"

I shook my head, "You can't let her take the girls," I was almost shrieking at Mr Hillard who looked temporarily stunned at my outburst,


He started, but I interrupted him ,"You can't!" I cried, "She's dangerous! I know it!"

"Ms Beau," Mr Hillard practically hissed, Liam pulled me onto the bench, I squirmed, but his arms latched me down, "Do not cause a scene here. It won't do you any good," His eyes were warning yet kind, "And we've run a full background check on Francesca Scowsen, she has no criminal record, nothing to raise alarm, and if Rhys does get the children, we cannot stop her from seeing them." I opened my mouth, but he continued before I could interject anything, "There will be social visits for whoever gets the girls, they will never be in any harm. I can promise you that," Liam patted my hand.

At least that was one good thing, they would never ever come into harm's way, I'd make sure of it. And I'm pretty sure the boys would too,

After another ten minutes of Liam bugging me and bugging me, I finally agreed to get some fresh air outside,

Walking outside, the cold was pleasant, Liam disappeared back inside and reappeared less than two minutes later with a cup of coffee from...I don't even know, a machine?

That's what is tasted like, nasty instant coffee. But I drank it anyway, I rested my head against the wall of the building letting the cold flow through my body,

"How can you drink this stuff?" Liam asked, I turned to see him spitting the thick brown liquid back into the cup,

"Liam!" I laughed, he turned to me whilst wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "Danielle would be ashamed," I teased,

Liam laughed and threw the cup into the bin, as he did, he stuck out his tongue like he was trying to get the wretched taste off, I don't think it was working,

"Well then it's lucky she isn't here," He told me with a watery smile,

I nodded and finished off the coffee, the after taste sent a shiver through my spine, I threw the empty cup into the air, it landed in the bin,

"Impressive," Liam grinned,

"Not really," I sighed, I knew Liam was only trying to lighten the mood, but I wasn't in the mood of even trying to pretend that it was working, "I'm sorry," I muttered,

"What for?" He asked squinting his eyes at me with a bit of confusion,

"For getting you into this mess," I breathed,

Liam laughed, "Honestly Bobbie, it's been great,"


"It's not a mess. I've loved you being here. And the girls living with us, it's been kind of an experience. A good one,"

I smiled, "I haven't been a hassle?"

Liam snorted, "You've been more than a hassle. But a great one," He joked and placed his arm around my shoulder squeezing me tightly,

"Thanks," I breathed and leant on him, Liam tucked me into a hug, I refused to cry,

"Harry called," Liam told me, I didn't move from his chest,

Beau Babies / h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें