Manik grinned as soon as he entered his room. It smelled of her, and it only made him smile more. He chuckled finding his own behaviour ridiculous and looked around to find her but frowned seeing her nowhere.

The bed was empty with crumbled bedsheet and he believed she was waiting for him. He looked at the clock which striked twelve in the night. Ofcourse, he was late and she could no longer sleep without his warmth.

Manik: Nandini!

Nandini: I am here, Manik!

She yelled back from the balcony the next moment, as if she knew he was here already. It was a weird how they could even sense each other even from a distance.

Manik immediately walked in the balcony only to find her standing there with her back facing the door. She seemed to be smiling to herself as she gazed at the sky filled with numerous illuminating stars.

She loved them. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her from behind, pushing his face in her neck and she almost giggled pushing herself in him.

Manik: Why are you not sleep yet?

Nandini: You already know.

Manik: Right, you want to sit here or go back and sleep?

Nandini: Let's stay, I can't sleep.

Manik: Why?

He asked, concerned as she shook her head. She parted away and Manik frowned at her.

Nandini: I don't know.

Manik: Are you scared? Or nervous?

Nandini: both. It is my first time, so-

Manik: Yeah, right. It is my nth time, no?

He joked and stiffed a laugh when she glared at him with her big round eyes.

Nandini: Aap- go back inside and sleep!

Manik: Wait, No! I am sorry. Let's sit.

He blabbered but as he bend down to sit, he stopped and held her hand, his eyes fixed on her belly.

Manik: W-Will it hurt?

He looked up as she raised her brow in confusion even though she knew what he was saying.

Manik: I mean, the baby- If you sit down, it won't harm our baby, right?

Nandini: Manik, The baby is not even developed fully to get hurt.

Manik: Fine, but still.

She giggled, shaking her head in disbelief as he made a bad face and sat down with the support of the railing. Nandini sat beside him without another word but Manik seemed to have taken offence.

Manik: C'mon, I don't even know much about all this. By the way, How old our baby is?

Nandini: We will get to know tomorrow.

Manik: Oh, Can I talk to him, or her?

Nandini chuckled yet again. The baby couldn't hear them yet and she was sure Manik knew it too but he had to be this adorable cute child like man. She nodded her head as he leaned in and kissed her head first before keeping his hand on her flat belly.

It had another life inside her, Manik smiled as he thought of it. He bend down more to get easy access.

Manik: Hey baby, I know you have lots of time before we hold you, but please know- your mumma papa loves you so much. Come soon and don't trouble mumma, papa is not going to like it.

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