"Would we be here if we didn't believe you?" Caitlyn asked.

She bobbed her head, "I don't know? Maybe you're here to laugh at me? Everyone does,"

My heart broke into tiny pieces for her. I wanted to pull her in for a hug, but we're strangers and she already is so on guard. "No, we believe you, we want to help catch this thing,"

She let out a small smile, "so... It was on a Saturday, I had enough of Brad's party so I went home alone. My friends didn't want to stop partying just yet, and I didn't want to force them,"

Caitlyn bounced her head, "continue."

The girl smiled at Caitlyn, "it was so late, and the streets were empty... I-I-I didn't even see her coming, but the next thing I saw were her large orange eyes lighting up the dark,"

The three of us looked at each other, "orange eyes?" Saskia asked.

The girl nodded her head. "Are you sure?" Caitlyn asked.


"It wasn't red?" I checked.

She shook her head and bit her lower lip as she closed her eyes, "I still see those scary eyes... It's tattooed into my memory,"

"Okay," Saskia responded, "I'm so sorry. Continue,"

"She bites me... In the cheek,"

Caitlyn burst out laughing. "Sorry, my sense of humour doesn't know how to control itself because that-that should not be so funny,"

The girl looked at her, "because it's not,"

"We don't see the scar?" Saskia said.

She scratched in her bag and removed a sanitary wipe and wiped her cheek. Revealing the two tiny holes in her face, then she started crying. "It's always going to be there, and it's a constant reminder of what happened,"

I couldn't resist the urge to console her, so I squeezed her shoulder and stroked her arm. "It's okay... It will blow over, I know it doesn't feel like it now,"

She gave me a small smile, "thanks."

"Do you remember anything else? Like... What she looked liked?"

The girl shook her head, "it happened so fast... A man shot at her and she ran away. All I know is that she is very tall."

Caitlyn grinned, "thank you so very much for your time. We will find this thing, we promise you."

"Thank you for believing me. Means a lot to me."

Saskia flashed her a warm smile, "of course. And take care of yourself."

"Yeah," Caitlyn said, "be safe."

They both turned and walked away, leaving me alone with the girl. I looked right into her eyes, "everything that happened Saturday night, was all a dream," I couldn't just walk away knowing I can wipe her memory and make her forget her worse night. "There was nothing that attacked you and you will never speak of this night again. You will forget it, like you did your first dream? Okay?"

She blinked thrice, "yes."

I grinned. "Good."

Then I bit her to heal the wound and walked away the second it disappeared. I made my way over to the rest of them.

But that girl's story couldn't leave my mind. Why did this vampire have orange eyes? Vampires have red eyes, what's happening here? I don't understand? Is it even a vampire? Because this is something I've never come across before.

Kin And The KillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz