do your work

449 3 7

Tokyo pov:

Hey so today was a long day because my teacher gave me a eassy to do and I did it of course but I wrote how my teacher was a bad teacher listen I was mad ok? So I forgot I did that so when I gave it in 2 days later from day,I came back to class to see Noone there just me and the teacher then my brothers walk in there where not happy, the teacher started to read the story I made of how I hate her I can see my brothers mad so I was being stupid and ran to the dorm locking my door and they ran after me I was so scared but I had to eat so I peeked and Noone there so I went to the kitchen and Noone there I got something and ran for my life to my room locking up the door and I was bored  Realizing my phone was in the living room I looked there my brothers brought there Friends my Eldest brother Chang spot me got up and walked to my sadly he is fast I dragged me to the living room his friends where so confused why he was dragging till he told they he toke my pants of and boxers he said "10 with the belt and 14 with my hang ok?!" I said ok of course
*smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack
They hurt so bad but he wasn't done
*smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack *smack
They hurt so bad i didn't even realize he was done he put my Underwear and pants on in hurt but he hugged me I placed my head on his chest and I started falling asleep know at least I know to do my work not talk bad things.

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