Made with Love (From Me to You)

Start from the beginning

(A/N: Something like this but the color is more 'gold' than 'yellow')

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(A/N: Something like this but the color is more 'gold' than 'yellow')

(A/N 2: Can WP resize the image given? It's too big smh)

"Karma?" Rio called out. She was already 2 racks ahead.

"Yeah, hang on a sec!" Karma yelled back but made sure it wasn't too loud to cause a scene.

Karma secretly took the bear (not to steal it, of course) and catches up with Rio.

"What held you up?" Rio asked as Karma stood beside her.

"Hm, nothing."

"Okay... As long as there's no funny business when we're making these chocolates," Rio sighed and continues her search for ingredients.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to the cashier first though, okay?" Karma told Rio.

"For what? We can just pay for everything together later."

"True, but this is a personal matter," Karma replied.

"Remember Karma, no funny business," Rio crossed her arms.

Hearing this, Karma noticed something, "You know Nakamura, judging by your actions, this chocolate-making thing seems very important to you that you want to make it seriously. Why is that?"

Rio was taken aback by his words, was she too obvious? Rio thought that Karma paid no mind as long as he got what he wants. Guess not this time.

"And why would you like to know that?" Rio grins.

"I asked first," Karma defended himself.

"Hah, fine. Like I said before, I'm also making chocolates for my friends. There, happy?"

"Not for a certain someone?"

"Maybe?" Rio replied playfully.


If Karma thinks shopping for the ingredients was a pain, then making chocolates is torture. Sure he can cook, even likes cooking at times, however making chocolates is a whole different thing. He's starting to regret this whole idea.

"No Karma, you're mixing it wrong. Here, like this," Rio took over the bowl and show Karma how it should be done.

"Apologies, Ma'am," Karma said, half dramatically.

Karma x Rio Oneshots [ENG/IND]Where stories live. Discover now