10. Answers

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The safe contained a tan-coloured file, with inside various papers, a cd, various photos and a usb key. Juyeon carefully took the file out of the safe and placed it on the studio desk. Xihua's thoughts were racing. Even though she was the only one who had the key, somehow she got the feeling that Sangsam never wanted her to discover the contents of the file on her own. Juyeon glanced between her and the contents of the safe, wondering whether to finally open the file or not, but his thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door.

"Juyeon. Wait." The man was tall, ashy brown hair, and a kind warm face. Juyeon was taken aback, he knew this man. Sangyeon...! "Yes Juyeon I know, but you didn't think I would miss my uncles funeral did you?" He chuckled sadly and his hand dropped from the doorway. Xihua had never seen this man and shot a questioning look at Juyeon. "I'm here now Juyeon." Sangyeon said calmly. Xihua was confused, confused because this man looked remarkably like Sangsam, he had the same eye wrinkles when he smiled, and the same soft aura. He looked to be about 30 years old. Juyeon seemed to relax at his presence.

"Where have you been all this time...Sangyeon it's been years..." Juyeon said, abandoning the file on the desk. Sangyeon took him into a warm embrace, and Xihua could see that both the men relaxed quickly.

"I know, brother. But I'm here now, and I'm taking your role." Sangyeon said. "Ah, you aust be the Lysistrata." The older man nodded at Xihua. She did not smile back at him, she only stared coldly. She had a sewing needle in her pocket and she slowly tightened her grip on it. Juyeon noticed her coldness at the man and stepped back towards her, he was about to say something when Xihua's face contorted with rage. She felt immense anger at this particular moment. This man was Sangsam's nephew? Why haven't I met him then, if he's so important. Why does everybody seem to know my life or control my life better than I can myself!?

"I don't know that name, or you." She said harshly to the man, cutting off Juyeon. She was ready for a fight and didn't care about anybody else right now. Sangyeon kept his cool.

"Perhaps. But I know you."

"No you don't." Xihua raised her voice, suddenly the tension was thick in the room. Juyeon remained silent, not sure what to do. "Sangsam's nephew, huh?" She said, twirling a needle between her fingers. "Must've been pretty unimportant If I never heard of you..." She said dangerously. Sangyeon's warm aura faultered, his smile turning to a thin line. Xihua showed no emotion. "What do you want with the file?" She asked.

"To put it back. It wasn't meant for your eyes to see."

"Why." She said, putting her hands behind her back.

"Because it could hurt you." Sangyeon replied coolly. "Sangsam protected you from your past, why would you want to revisit it?"

"Why keep it at all?" She countered, "If it was so dangerous, why do I have the key to it?" Her anger grew with every word. Sangyeon took steps towards her. "Why don't you tell me why Sangsam wanted me in the first place... Sangyeon." She dragged out his name with bitterness.

What is up with you Xihua? What's wrong? Why do you hate this guy so much?!

"Somewhere deep inside you, I think you already know." His answer was patronizing and it was the last straw she needed before she snapped. She lunged at the man, he expertly dodged her, sidestepping. She dug her needle into his back, and he grunted in surprise. Xihua was about to go further when Juyeon locked Xihua's arms and caught her, preventing her from moving. In the midst of the attempt, Sunwoo, Younghoon and some other boyz came rushing in, observing what had happened.

"What's going on?!" someone cried. Sangyeon ripped the needle out of his back, like a toothpick on some fruit, and flicked it away, staring directly at Xihua.

"I would not do that again, if I were you, Lysistrata." Xihua growled at him and struggled against Juyeon. It was the first time he had seen such aggression from her, and couldn't understand where it came from.

"You and I need to talk Xihua..." Juyeon said softly in her ear.


"What was that about." No response. "it was like you completely changed person, who was that back there Xihua!" she only glared at the ground. They were in the entrance hall of the old villa, Juyeon was pacing back and forth, watching Xihua, while she was leaning on the staircase, looking down.

"He made me angry."

"Yeah I could see that! But why!" Juyeon ran a hand through his hair. Xihua felt a tug at her brain. You don't have to do this you know. You don't have to listen to these men. Why should you? Because they assume they know you better than you know yourself? Who cares? Go apeshit! It whispered along those lines, it sounded freeing, it tugged her forward, this time the person on the other end of her invisible string wasn't Sangsam, it was someone else. Who cares about that stupid file, if the girl really did survive she'll manifest in you as time goes on. That man, Sangyeon, he angered me because he shows up out of nowhere and thinks he knows me. Ha. Men always are like that. They always think they know everything. "Xihua, answer me." Oh look, our Juyeonnie's no different, what a shame, I was starting to like him.


Juyeon stopped his pacing. And looked at Xihua directly in the eye. "I don't have to answer to you." Juyeon clenched his jaw, hard. "I don't have to answer to any of you actually." If Xihua was really gonna do this, she was going to need a plan, quickly. She wasn't dealing with some friends of Sangsam anymore, but she was dealing with his men. Dangerous people that could probably overpower her in a fight. Juyeon thought quickly, he knew what she was going to do. Xihua needed to get to the basement of the house, there was a motorcycle that Sangsam used to use that sat in the garage of the house. She knew the boys would know her home address so she needed to think of another safe destination. And with that, she bolted.

Juyeon pressed a device in his ear, "Nobody let her leave, fan out, she's loose." Juyeon pinched his nose and didn't bother following her. "Don't kill her!" He ordered. He saw New race up the stairs, sniper on his back, Hakyeon, Younghoon and Jacob rush outside through the front doors and heard some other men run to the back of the house. Hongjoon and Sangyeon approached from behind.

"Ah you messed up my friends." He whipped out another cigarette. "I shall be withdrawing Seonghwa and San for now, but I'll have Wooyoung keep an eye on her." He chuckled cynically. "She must feel like an animal being hunted. But I would be careful, my friends." Sangyeon kept a straight face and looked at the man. "If she ever wanted revenge, well, she might become the hunter, and you the hunted." He chuckled again and walked out the door waving a hand. "Good luck, 친구, you'll need it!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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