9. A funeral for Two

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It was a sunny day. Streams of light flittered through the car windows. Xihua gazed at the trees speeding by in silence. Juyeon's hands on the steering wheel were firm as he drove towards the countryside villa where Sangsam's funeral would be held. There were also two other men in the back of the car – Juyeon referred to them as Q and Hyunjae, possible other members of Juyeon's mysterious gang of boys. All the same, they looked rather familiar to Xihua, and she pinned them as guests of Sangsam's seasonal Dinner parties. She leaned back in her seat and took in a deep breath, this didn't go unnoticed by Juyeon. She was anxious?

"Not many people will be there. Just my boys, and Hongjoon; San and Seonghwa's boss." Juyeon explained, eyes fixed on the road. "Q, we clear?"

"All clear." The younger man quickly. He was looking at a computer screen in his lap and typing away at it. Xihua glanced at him subtly. He looks young, his skin is still soft and his cheeks undefined...how young do these boys get involved...? Xihua's face subconsciously frowned. Hyunjae noticed.

"Is, everything alright Miss Zhang?" He said, leaning forward, Q also stopped typing and looked up from his screen. She avoided their gaze and hummed a reply.



"How old are you exactly?"

Juyeon frowned at Xihua's question. He had a feeling this would come up eventually.

"28." He said. Hmm. He must be the oldest then.


The funeral was simple 12 men lined up in the back of Sangsam's countryside villa. The sun shined and the birds chirped. It was hot just outside Seoul, but better than being in the city. Xihua stood in front of the grave while the men stood a while behind her. She felt utterly empty inside. It was as if her entire life and memories and emotions, everything, was just stripped from her. Taken. She dreaded this day because somewhere deep in her, she knew, that she had nothing else to cling onto. She didn't know who she was or where she came from before Sangsam. Sangsam was her beginning, and now, she had to continue on her own. She had no idea where to go.

"Find Juyeon..."

And then? What then? Follow in his shadow and be a part of a mafia? Is that really what you wanted for me Sangsam? What did you want for me?!

Xihua's tears flowed silently down her face and she held herself standing very still looking down at the turned earth at her feet. How can you expect me to find my own path when you constructed it for me after my amnesia? And now she finally realized, the string she felt, the tugging. The person on the other end was Sangsam. He was the one who planned this all out. It was like he had programmed her for this very situation.

You knew. From the beginning you knew this would happen. You knew I would feel lost so you needed Juyeon to lead me when you're not here. You couldn't free me, so you waited till you didn't have to...

Xihua's body shook with sadness and grief and anger and loneliness and everything in between. Juyeon stepped forward and Xihua stepped away from him. The sun was no longer a warm light but an intense heavy spotlight on her. Xihua felt such anger that he whole body shook. How could anybody do this to me. Why?

Xihua had been used. She'd been kept as a daughter to Kim Sangsam after her abduction. But why? Why was she important to him? Because she somehow withheld information to some criminal organization? But she didn't even remember anything about the abduction, therefore Sangsam had no use for her. He could've let her go on to live her life. Why did you keep me Sangsam? What happened to the girl before me, before Xihua? Who was she? Why didn't you find her?

"Xihua...are you-" Juyeon outstretched a hand to her shoulder but was cut off.

"Don't call me that name." she choked on her words. "Xihua was Sangsam's creation." Juyeon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. We have to find that file.

"Xihua what are you talking about?" He asked to the wind, as she walked solemnly back to the house. Hongjoon appeared behind him and stuffed his hands in his pockets, digging for his lighter and pack of cigarettes. He handed one to Juyeon.

"Hyunjae noticed her in the car. She's not happy about the position she's been put in." He commented. Juyeon took a drag of his cig and ran his hands through his hair, still looking at her retreating figure.

"Why now? Why all of a sudden after his death?"

"Because my friend," Hongjoon turned to face him with a small smirk on his face, "he was the only one who kept the illusion up." Juyeon shifted his gaze to the older man. "Think about it. Mr Kim took her out to dinners, showed her how to socialize, he never involved her in business. He created a simple life for her." He took another drag. "And now that it's gone..."

"...She wants to know why it was there in the first place, what happened to her." Hongjoon let out a dry chuckle.

"Exactly my friend." Juyeon sighed. This had just become a tricky situation. Xihua wanted freedom, but he wasn't sure wether that was what Sangsam would've wanted. But then again, why did Sangsam want to keep her from her previous life before the incident? There were so many questions Juyeon wanted to ask him. So many things he was still unsure of, how could he possibly take up his title? Juyeon walked towards the grave and kneeled down on the ground. I wish we could've talked more, Sangsam. I need you. He felt his face moisten as tears rolled down his structured face. Juyeon was crying. Juyeon was responsible to deal with AK4 and keep his members alive. How could he possibly do it, with no guidance, at just 28 years old. He had no plans, no preparations, he wasn't a genius like Sangsam was. So he prayed that the file would give him something, anything.

"You better follow your lady Juyeonie." Sunwoo teased. The young man walked up behind him and rested a hand on his leader's shoulder. "Look, I know how much he meaned to you Juyeon." Hongjoon frowned and nodded to Sunwoo. "It's time to go."


The studio was just as she remembered it. Big dark oak bookshelves filled to the ceiling, dark wooden chairs and green paintings and a big moss coloured rug on the floor, the big window in the far end of the room letting plenty of light in. The tapestry instead was on the left wall, it filled a big part of it. Juyeon carefully ran his hands over it, and lifted it, revealing a strange looking safe behind it, hidden in the wall.

"It needs a key code." Juyeon observed. Xihua stood motionless, looking at the safe. "You don't have to if you don't want to. If it brings up bad memories then-"

"Then that's exactly what I'm looking for." She finished for him. "The key is Lysistrata." Juyeon looked at her and hesitated, He couldn't just open the box if it was going to put anyone in danger. "Open it Juyeon." She ordered. His face hardened, it's not time, not yet. "Juyeon. I said. Open it." Xihua's voice was laced with rage, running so deep that he didn't understand it.

"What is going on Xihua? What does the code mean?"

"I need to know who I used to be. I need to know what girl died with that stupid fucking information that AK4 needed."

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