3. Chaos

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The last thing she remembered from Sangsam's penthouse was Seonghwa dragging her out of the study, Sangsam shot three times in the chest, and the face of the men who shot him. She hoped she would never see the day where Sangsam's expensive hand-made suit would be soaked in blood. But there it was, and his lifeless body in it.

It truly was a tragedy. Glass everywhere, blood stained the floor, and the noise was incredible. Seonghwa's firm grip on her wrist was the only thing keeping her from feeling human at all. It was all so unbelievable she couldn't comprehend that it was all going on around her.

Somehow, they got out of the penthouse and into the fancy stairwell. Seonghwa in front, San behind. Xihua felt threatened. She felt like a trapped tiger put in a cage, wanting to pounce on anyone who even came close. 20 floors was a fair amount to run down, they took an elevator around the 15th. Seonghwa pressed the -1 button to the parking lot. I'm not getting in their car. Xihua's thoughts raced for a plan, but the fact was, that she truly didn't have one. She didn't have the keys to any of Sangsam's cars either. Damn. She couldn't run, could she? She thought, she knew the streets to her shop, Sangsam's house wasn't far from his offices, her sewing shop was about half way between the two, it was about maybe 20 minutes from his house but 15 from his offices. If she ran she could get there faster, but, if she ran would Seonghwa and San follow by car or on feet? Surely at least one of them would need the car. But if they both got in, she could theoretically lose them quicker. Would they know where her shop was though? Think. Think! Xihua was a smart girl, but she wasn't expecting all this to unfold tonight, here. She needed to find Juyeon. But he was in Osaka, and she didn't even have his phone number. One thing at a time, get away from these two. She needed to get to the shop.

As the elevator doors opened, she noticed the parking lot was littered with men dressed in all black. Perfect. They lunged at the three, San and Seonghwa called for people, and a couple joined the fight. This is perfect. As the men fought each other with punches and kicks and swift martial arts, Xihua took her only chance. She dipped between the cars, Her black dressed helped her camouflage against the cars. She slipped between each car until the exit, took off her heels, and ran.

She felt like she had never run so fast in her life, she had so much energy and hardly felt breathless, her adrenaline was spilling over. She took back roads to her shop, running through residential areas and back streets soundlessly. She could hear police sirens around, but no cars were coming her way. It's a good sign. On the inside, she felt a little guilty she left San and Seonghwa back there, fighting. What if one of them gets killed? She felt guilt hit her like a stitch while running and slowed down ever so slightly.

She finally reached the shop, it was a shorter run than she had imagined. Not much time though. Xihua knew they'd be coming for her, they might know where her shop was, she had to prepare.


Back in the parking lot, San and Seonghwa were distressed.

"What the fuck do we do? Where the hell is she?" San paced stressed. "She's not dead. They didn't take her that's for sure. If they grabbed her she would've screamed or made some kind of noise." San stated factually. He needed logic and reason in this moment.

"Maybe we didn't hear it!! How are you so sure they don't have her!? Huh?!" Seonghwa growled at his partner. "She could be dead already, or they could have her or-"

"She's scared. She likely ran" San cut him off pulling out his phone. "But I know who'd know where she'd go." He dialled Juyeon and the pair got in the car. Seonghwa drove. The car purred alive just as Juyeon picked up.

"She ran didn't she?" San pursed his lips and sighed at Juyeon's statement. Seonghwa almost heard a chuckle from over the line and was about to comment when Juyeon continued. "Listen, she's slippery, it's ok. Slippery enough to keep herself alive."

Ripped at the Seams. Juyeon x oc x Seonghwa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now