C u a t r o

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It was the evening of the day (please tell me you get the reference). The group of seven sat around the fireplace, having just had a nice dinner and everyone full and relatively comfortable, despite the demon.

"Charlie, stoke the fire." Bill ordered, sitting comfortably in the armchair where Charlie had sat the previous night. Charlie went to tend to the fire with a poker.
Brian, Keith, and Mick shared a couch. Mick T and Ronnie sat on the other couch. Charlie would sit on the floor beside Bill in his armchair.

The boys had been noticing that Bill had been getting stronger and more moody over the course of the day. His voice was becoming more distorted too. And of course, his power over people was getting even more hard to resist. Bill would only occasionally take control over Mick T, and of course Charlie had become his faithful servant. But, he had not taken any of the others. They wondered why. Bill wouldn't tell them that he had a little game set up in his head in order to take everyone.

Tonight, the boys had a plan. A plan to get the demon out of Bill.
"It's getting late, so we're going to head to bed." Bill said, taking Charlie's hand and standing up. "I guess we'll do the same." Mick said, and the others agreed. Everyone went to bed. Well, Bill and Charlie actually went to sleep, while the others got ready for the exorcism.

Keith was quietly practicing the spell required to banish the demon while Ronnie was gathering up the rope, the herbs and essential oils, and other things required for the ceremony. Mick T was prepared to hold Bill down once again. Brian and Mick were learning the chant alongside Keith. And, Keith had succeeded in stealing his book back from Bill, who had put it in his room. At about two in the morning they were ready. The five crept into Bill and Charlie's bedroom to find them sleeping soundly.

First, Mick T had to carefully nudge Charlie off Bill so that they had access to both of Bill's arms. Charlie snored a bit, but as far as they knew, he was still asleep. Everyone was deathly silent, and luckily, Mick T was stealthy, and strong. The perfect combination. He and Ronnie got to work slowly, very slowly extending Bill's arms while Mick stood close, watching Bill to notify them if he was stirring. Keith and Brian got to work uncovering Bill's ankles with delicate precision. Keith signaled to Ronnie to toss them some the rope. Ronnie actually threw a small bundle of rope at them and it was a bad throw and almost landed on Bill. Luckily, Keith caught it, and then shot daggers at Ronnie with his eyes. Ronnie just shrugged and began to carefully tie Bill's wrists to the bed.

Brian accidentally tied the loop too tightly on Bill's left ankle, which made him stir. His eyes slowly opened, and Keith, flustered, opened the spellbook and began speaking the verse while Mick and Brian got to work doing the weird sign language and essential oil sprinkling. Charlie woke up at this with a start. Bill made a disturbing hissing noise and then said in his deep growling voice,
"Really? An exorcism? I was trying to sleep. Well, it's a shame I'll have to do this now but.."

Bill trailed off, his eyes glowing, and made contact with Keith's. Bill then glanced at all the other boys, and said, "Stop." Everyone froze, five sets of eyes dimly reflecting the purple glow in Bill's eyes, five mouths hanging open, looking like zombies.
"Now, put that stuff away and untie me, will you?" Bill said, clearly annoyed. Ronnie, Mick and Brian collected the supplies and left the room as Mick T and Keith untied Bill's ankles and wrists.

They collected the rope and handed it to Ronnie when he had come back in with Mick and Brian from dropping off supplies. "Alright, now go to bed and forget this ever happened or something." Bill dismissed them with not much more than a wave of his hand.

The seemingly zombified Stones all walked out of the room and went to their respective rooms.

Charlie looked up at Bill and spoke; "I'm sorry Bill, I should've stopped them."
Bill smiled at him sympathetically. "Don't worry about it, you weren't supposed to stand guard." Charlie smiled back slightly, happy he wasn't in trouble. It wouldn't be great if he was in trouble with a demon.

"Just go back to sleep." Bill said softly, and Charlie was passed out.
Bill looked down at the sleeping Charlie and smiled, before going to sleep himself.

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