Karate show at lunch

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A few days later, Marlene's wounds had healed pretty well. She had gotten a pro at avoiding Harper. She and Eli had this routine restarted of having short conversations through their walky talkies every evening and morning. At lunch, Marlene walked in and sat down in the corner on the ground as usual.

She saw the LaRusso girl walk towards her friends. Marlene had heard some pretty nasty rumors about her, but did she believe them? No, not at all. The rumor came from Kyler and his gang, no way she would believe them.

As Marlene predicted, Yasmine put her bag on the last free seat to sign Sam that she couldn't sit with them. She then tried to sit down with Aisha Robinson, but she made it known that she wasn't welcome there either. Sam walked up to Kyler. It was about to go down. Marlene moved a little to sit up better to enjoy the show.

"Think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam crossed her arms.

"What are you talking about? We saw a movie, and that's it." Kyler paused and Marlene saw him trying hard to hide a smirk. "Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you." His friends laughed.

"Yeah, we heard you got pretty choked up" Brucks joked. The boys laughed once again.

Sam pushed Kyler's food on the ground, grabbing everybody's attention. Kyler eyed a little flabbergasted and mostly confused. But, somehow, at the same time, he seemed unimpressed.

"Hey, guys." Kyler spoke up loudly. "You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler smirked. Oh, how much Marlene would pay to fuck that smirk up and kick him in the face.

Students laughed. Marlene clenched her fists, wanting to get up and make his nose bleed. Sam's stance changed, like she was about to fight him, but Miguel interrupted.

"Hey, Kyler!" He dropped his plate with food on a table he passed, Aisha's table, walking towards Kyler. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Marlene couldn't help but cringe at that terrible comeback.

"Want another beatdown, 'Rhea?" Kyler pushes him. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler pushed him again, but harder.

"It's not lame-ass karate." Miguel caught Kyler's punch. "It's Cobra Kai." Miguel punched Kyler in his face. Blood came out of Kyler's nose, making the fake blond on the ground smile as she got up. She pushed through the students and eventually ended up next to her neighbor.

Students were filming when Miguel was tackled onto a table by Kyler. Miguel got thrown around by the boy and got stuck in a chokehold. Miguel elbowed him in his stomach, punched him in the face and kicked his back, making his target smack his face on a table.

"No mercy!" Aisha yelled. Once again, Marlene slightly cringed. That slogan sounded way to aggressive to teach teenagers.

Suddenly, all Kyler's friends were joining in the fight and a huge battle unfolds. Miguel fought all of the boys and knocked them unconscious, one by one. He eventually ended up on a table, finishing it off with Kyler.

Miguel stood on the table, he looked around astonished. He saw a lot of people filming him and cheering for him. He kept looking around until his eyes met those of Samantha LaRusso. They softly smiled at each other.

Eli was clapping proudly at Miguel from next to Marlene as both she and Demetri just stood there.

"Hey! Get down from there right now." The counselor grabbed Miguel's wrist and dragged him out while some students protested against her.

"Marlene! Marlene!" Bert ran up to his sister. "Can I please, please, please do karate?" He begged, dragging the last please.

"Maybe, dad's gotta be okay with it, Alberto." She replied, ruffling her brother's hair. Demetri and Eli smiled at the two. Marlene turned to face them, muttered a quick 'bye' and left.

Later that day, the two Davies siblings went over to the hospital to see their dad. Marlene checked in again.

"Hey, dad." She said as she leaned against the doorframe. Bert was already in a chair next to their dad's hospital bed.

"Moony, hey!" Her dad said, turning his head to her. "What happened to you?" He asked, noticing what was left visible of the fight with Kyler in the boy's locker room. If he could move right then, he would've sat up immediately.

"Geez, calm your tits dad, just a few scratches." She says, chuckling softly.

"Here, dad, I've got it!" Bert says loudly, turning the attention back to him. He showed his dad a video on his phone. It was the video of Marlene walking down the stairs in her Dobby costume.

"No, that's me! You gotta pay for that shit." Marlene said, holding out her hand open for him to put in money.

"Nope, you swore! You're not getting your payment." Bert shrugged.


"Mistakes-" The children turned to their father. "Sorry, I thought we were listing things that you are." He pointed to his offspring and laughed.

"My God, seriously." Marlene chuckled and Bert laughed, not getting the joke.

That afternoon, they spent with their dad and Bert convinced him to let him do karate.

On the way home, the two once again picked up pizza's they ordered and ate them at home.

After dinner, Bert got his phone out and texted Eli about joining the Cobra Kai class the next day.

"I'll be there too! Convinced Dem!!" Eli replied.

Bert opened YouTube and threw himself on the couch the watch Miguel's fight again, and again, and again and so on.

Best friend's neighbour (Cobra Kai x OC)Where stories live. Discover now