Hospital visit

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The next morning, Marlene woke up with a sore neck. She was up until 2 am, working on Kyler's essay. She got up, rubbing the back of her neck, walking to her closet. She picked a red shirt, leather jacket and black denim shorts with fishnet leggings. She had to drop Bert off at school. She herself had a few free periods before she started school, so she had decided to go past some shops to get herself a costume for tonight. She was definitely not in the mood, but she promised Bert.

She packed her bag, accidentally knocking something over. She got on her knees and looked for it under her desk. She found it, grabbed it and stood up. She grunted and cursed when she hit her head. While rubbing the back of her head, she held up the thing she knocked over. It was the walky talky which Eli and her used to communicate when they were younger. Their parents had to confiscate them every night to make sure they would sleep. She smiled at the memories while looking up out of her window. Her window and Eli's were each other's sight. She saw him and Demetri laugh and walk around in his room. She missed the friendship she and Eli had. She put the walky talky back on her desk and walked out her room. She knocked twice on Bert's door when she went passed it on her way to the stairs.

Downstairs, she made herself coffee and made toast for both her and her brother. She walked to the stairs and yelled for her brother to come down. It took a few minutes before he came running down, all dressed. A ding was heard from the toaster. Marlene grabbed two plates and put the toasts on it. She gave one plate to Bert and they started eating.
"Bert, be ready in 20 minutes, or I'll leave without you." He nodded.
When they finished their breakfast, Bert got upstairs again to get his last stuff before leaving. Marlene dumped the plates in the dishwasher and put on her shoes.
They left the house, got in Marlene's car and drove away.

Arriving in front of the school, the siblings said bye. Bert got out of the car and Marlene drove off. She changed her direction to the mall. The music blasting in her car was from Guns N' Roses, one of the best bands to have existed so far in her opinion.
At the mall, she got a light skin color like bodysuit and a brown pillowcase.
When she got home, she made holes in the pillowcase so she could wear it over the bodysuit. She made pockets on the inside of the case for her phone. She grabbed a pair of old pink/brown socks that she didn't fit anymore and a hairband. She stuffed the socks with old newspapers and glued them to the hairband. She left it on the table to dry before she left for school. She got in her car and left.

In English class, Kyler sat behind her. She turned around without a warning and smacked the essay on his table. To avoid having a suspicious teacher, Marlene pretended to explain something. Kyler gave her the money under the table and acted along. She turned back around and stuffed the money in her pocket. Later in the same period, they had to read their essays out loud. Kyler got himself out of it by saying that his throat hurt. The teacher told him that he could just leave his paper on her desk and that she would grade him.

After school, she waited outside by her car for her brother, smoking a cigarette. It wasn't healthy and she knew that, this was her way of coping with everything. When she saw her brother walking out of the schoolbuilding towards her, she dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. She turned her foot a few times on it to make sure it went out. She and Bert got in the car.
"You have to stop smoking Marls." He told her.
"I might, as long as you don't tell dad." She took off and they drove to the hospital.

"Go ahead, I'll check us in and be right there." Marlene walked up to the counter where she had to check in. Bert ran to the room where their dad was.
"Marlene and Albert Davies for James Davies." She told the woman.
"Welcome back, sign here and go ahead." Marlene signed a paper and left to see her dad.

"Hey dad." She stood against the doorframe. A smile plastered on her face.
"Marly Moony! Sweetheart! Lovely to see you again!" He smiled happily.
"Dad, want me to get you something." Bert asked, clearly wanting to leave for a while.
"A cup of coffee would be nice. Thanks Alberto." Their dad said. He patted Bert's head before the kid left. "Sit Marlene, sit."
She sat down on a chair next to her dad's bed.
"You're smoking again." She looked up. "Bert told me, but without him I could've still found out, you smell like cigarettes."
"Sorry dad."
"It's alright love. It's hard, isn't it. All of it." She nodded, tears in her eyes. She forced them back. "Just make sure you don't smoke too much, I don't want your lungs to die so soon." She laughed.
"I promise."

Bert came back short after. The children told him everything that happened. They left out the bit when Marlene left dinner with the Moskowitz'. Bert did tell him about the Halloween dance and how he convinced his sister to go.
"And what will you go as?" James asked his daughter.
"It's a surprise, I'll send you pictures and wear it next week when we'll visit again." She smirked.
"Oh you little-"
"Dad!" Bert yelled.
"Oh, yeah, sorry swear-police officer Bert."
"It's supreme commander, actually." His dad and sister laughed. "It's official!" He said before also bursting out in laughter.

When they left, they hugged and kissed their dad goodbye. Marlene ordered two pizza's before getting in the car and driving off. On the way home, they picked up their order and listened to music.
Coming home, Marlene tossed her car keys in a bowl on a shelf close to the front door. Bert ran ahead of her and set the table. Marlene walked to the kitchen and got the pizza knife. They sat down at the table and Marlene cut their pizza's.
"So, you're wearing that?" Bert asked. He chewed on a piece of pizza and pointed to her costume. She nodded.
"What's it?"
"A surprise. Eat your pizza dummy."

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