~it was you!~

Mulai dari awal

"I'm just saying" Kourtney continue "don't freak out until you're one hundred percent sure"

"Alright, I'll take it again when I get home"

"You gotta take it now, come on do it as a present to me" Kim said. I looked between there pleading faces before signing


"I'll run out and get you one" Kourtney said sliding her napkin to the side and standing up.

"Great, we'll see you in a little bit" Kim said

"Thank you so much Kourtney" I said before she ran off to the shop down the road. I ended up dancing with Sebastian to pass the time.

"What's wrong doll?" He asked, knowing straight away that something was wrong


"I know you better than that, tell me"

"Honestly there's nothing wrong, I'm just tired from all the work"

"Well then once this is over we'll go home and watch movies in the new theatre, they installed the chairs the other day"

"That sound really great" I smiled. I felt really bad lying to him, but I don't want to tell him something this huge in the middle of Kim's wedding anniversary.

"Kadie" Kim said tapping my shoulder "Kourtneys back"


"How much longer?" I said, pacing back and forth. I had taken the test and now we are all waiting for the results

"Thirty seconds" Kourtney said checking her phone. She had also found a little camera and was filming, not for keeping up with the Kardashian's, but just for us to look back on as a memory. She had just leaned it against the table so it was looking at us, but you wouldn't even notice it.

"Did I miss it!" Kim said running back into the rooms and closing the door behind her, she had to run off because Chicago had wanted her for something.

"Nope" I said. I was pacing back and fort, taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down and not freak out. I'm not even letting my mind think about what my next move would be if I'm actually pregnant. Like my career? I'm about to release an album. How would I do a world tour with a newborn baby?

We all just stood in silence for a moment. Kourtney was sitting on the toilet seat lid looking at the test, Kim was standing by the door, looking in between me and Kourtney. I was pacing back and fort and running my hand along my arm, a habit I've picked up whenever I'm nervous.

"Kaide, I want you to know" Kim said, coming over to me and putting her hands on my arms
"If it's positive, we're gonna be there for you. If you need to randomly drop them over we'll gladly take them. If you and Sebastian have to work twenty four hour shifts for a week, which I know is pretty common in your line of work" she said, smiling "we'll be more than happy to take him or her for a week. Everyone will give you all the tips you need, and you know we'll definitely spoil them"

"Thank you Kim" I said pulling her into a hug, I'm was eternally grateful for my sisters.

"It's time" Kourtney said standing up.

"Go ahead kadie" Kim said, letting go of me so I could walk over to were Kourtney had the stick. I began walking over before I said

"You know what I can't, I can't, I can't look at it" I said waving my hands "somebody else tell Me" I said walking back over to the other side of the bathroom

"Okay" Kourtney said picking it up.

"Okay" I repeated. The silence as Kourtney looked at it and Kim held my hand seamed to last a lifetime. It felt like seconds were dragging into minutes, and minutes were dragging into hours, until Kourtney finally began speaking

"It's negative" she said

"What?" I said spinning around to look at her

"It's negative" she said again

"Oh" I said slowly "oh. Well there you go. Whew" I said turning away "that's great, that is really great news" I said, before breathing in and out deeply
"You know because for the whole... not being ready and not having enough time and all that" I said, feeling all the emotions crash down at once
"Wow, this is so just the way that this was supposed to be" I said, trying to stabilise my breathing but failing

"Well great" Kim said uncertainly.

"Here hun" Kourtney said, handing me a tissue, as tears had started to slowly pour down my face without me realising it

"It's gone, god this is so stupid" I said wipeing my eyes "how could I be upset over something I never actually had" I said. I hadn't even realised that I actually wanted this until Kourtney said it's negative. I guess without realising it, I had already started envisioning the baby and what they would look like, how I would tell Sebastian, what we would call them, how we would decorate their room. But now it's gone, all gone.

"It's really negative?" I said, through tears

"No, it's positive" she said

"What?" I said, my emotions all over the place

"It's positive, it's not negative, it's positive" Kourtney said, smiling

"Are you sure?"

"Well yeah I lied before" she said handing me the positive pregnancy test

"Oh my god" Kim said, she too was smiling madly

"Now you know how you really feel about it"

"That's a risky little game" I said, wipeing away the now happy tears

"Your gonna have a baby!" Kim squealed, throwing her arms around me

"I'm gonna have a baby" I said. Still staring down at the test as Kim hugged me "I'm going to have a baby" I whispered again.

ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜ {ᴋᴀᴅɪᴇ ᴋᴀʀᴅᴀꜱʜɪᴀɴ ꜱᴛᴀɴ}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang