Important Notes

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Hello there! Before proceeding into the content, please read these notes and disclaimers.

1. Some of these stories may contain descriptions of violence, warfare and death. Please remember to check the beginning of the chapter for trigger warnings, if you are sensitive to certain topics.

2. When sending in a request (whether that be in the comment section or in the conversation stream), please make sure to write the character of your choice, the song of your choice, and a general outline of the type of situation you would like.

3. Please remember that it may take a while for your request to be written, or your request may not always be chosen (though I will try my best to bring as many I can to life!)

4. Remember to keep the comments respectful! Any unnecessarily harsh or threatening comments and spamming will be removed.

If you are interested in normal imagines and one shots, please check out Narnia Imagines & One Shots (Book 1) on my page.

If you are interested in a reader-insert, action-packed Prince Caspian fanfic, please check out Prince Caspian & The Bandit King on my page. 

Every single vote is greatly appreciated, and I absolutely adore reading about your reactions in the comments. I unfortunately won't be able to reply to all comments or DMs, but if you have certain messages or questions that you would like to be answered, feel free to drop them in my conversation stream.

Thank you all!

Narnia Imagines & One Shots (Songs Edition)Where stories live. Discover now