"Yesterday" Part 1

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Trigger Warning - death

Trigger Warning - death

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A deafening scream erupted through the hot air. Peter whipped his head.

It was too late. The ice staff had pierced through her heart. Scarlet red seeped through beneath her under armour. "Y/N!" Peter called out. He shoved his opponent away and changed his direction toward the cliff.

All my troubles seemed so far away

He darted through the clanging of steel, slashing away anything that stood in his way with his sword. His rapid heart felt as though it was going to implode. Every breath he took it felt as if fire entered his lungs. Gritting his teeth, he pushes his line of exhaustion. He ran as fast as he could, he couldn't see anything, anything but her.

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

"Please no."

Oh, I believe in yesterday

Peter let out a blaring war cry as he sprinted faster, ready to shed blood. Jadis tugged and pulled the staff out of Y/N's chest. Lighting spasmed throughout her body. She hit her head hard on the cliff rocks, but she could no longer feel. She mustered the last of her strength and weakly opened her eyes.

Through blurred vision, she saw two figures, one in red and one tall and gold. Howls and grunts erupted from the both of them as they clashed. Y/N's eyelids grew heavy, and at last, they slowly slid shut.


Peter frantically swung his sword, aiming for the witches head, but Jadis blocked with her blood tinted spear

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Peter frantically swung his sword, aiming for the witches head, but Jadis blocked with her blood tinted spear. The young boy had finally started to reach his limit. His arms grew heavy, ripples of sweat trickled down his scalp and neck. Jadis had the upper hand, and he wasn't ready to die. Not yet.


All of a sudden, the white witch disappeared in a swift wind. Peter flew backwards and landed on his back. He sat up, trying to process what had just happened. He raised his head to see Aslan, towering over the white witch a few meters away. The lion roared in the face of the witch. Her staff had flown off the cliff, leaving her weak, powerless, and at the end of her line. Aslan turned his head, shaking his thick mane and shot Peter a stern, yet reassuring look.

I'm not half the man I used to be

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I'm not half the man I used to be

Peter nodded and dashed towards the end of the cliff, leaving his helmet and his swords behind. As he ran he threw off his armour leaving them in his tracks. As he ran closer he could see Y/N lying limp on the floor, and it tore his heart apart. Her braided hair had unfurled resting on her chest, and her hand was placed upon her heart. Bleeding, un-beating.

There's a shadow hanging over me

He slid on his knees, finally reaching her. He gently put his hand under Y/N's head and pulled her closer onto his lap. He prayed. He prayed to all he ever knew that she would respond. He tightly held her right hand. Peter's head was spinning, his vision started to blur and his throat tightened. He tried to call out to her, he couldn't. He trembled aggressively in panic. Not being able to process his reality.

Oh, yesterday came suddenly

"Y/N..." he whispered, lowering his lips to her ears. His tears fell onto her eyelids. One, then two.

"Y/N, please... I-I can't do this. I-" he choked on his words. His lips quivering, he pulled her body closer. "You need to stay here. With Lucy, with Edmund, with Susan... with me"

Why she had to go

Y/N gave no response.

I don't know, she wouldn't say

"We promised, you promised. We're going to live through this and..." he couldn't bear to finish his sentence. His heart ached as memories overflowed, and dreams shattered along with it. It was over, and he knew it.

The earth seemed to rattle, and hue of his once hopeful world faded away. Nothingness. He hadn't told you yet.

I said something wrong

"I love you"

Now I long for yesterday

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