the beginning

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The Beginning Is all a lie.

It's always been there it never has a start date and there will never be an end.

Tonight, has been a rough night and sleep will never be an option. If I sleep, will I wake up? Eyes heavy rings around them I strive on for there is no rest. Winter blues, weather changes, too much caffeine whatever the excuses it's all to cover up a big fat LIE.  

I'm not okay.

I need you I want you. But if you don't want me, I guess I'll be okay (I won't). 

Alone: separated from others. The definition of alone itself is depressing.

Call me desperate, needy attention seeker I don't care anymore.  Having no job and no motivation of wanting one I feel the pressure. His anger his silent opinion it glows no words need to leave his lips. I didn't sleep last night, and she tells me I need to go to bed earlier, why? why don't you understand I can't sleep. telling me to read my bible isn't going to fix it, thank you for the advice but I just want to feel like there is something out there for me. I just want a stranger to love me, to want me. I want to be someone's favorite; I want someone to bug me and drag me along to hang out. I want to believe that my family isn't the only people that love me. But for now, I'll just live in this moment of false belief and loneliness. But don't you dare think I'll sit here quietly, never! I'm going to be selfish I'm going to scream at the top of my lungs I proudly say I'll be a desperate attention seeker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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