chapter's 6-10

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-Chapter 6: Rivalry of the Goat and sheep-

"Ok sweetheart. When we get married in my religion. We leave a type of well.. mark.."
"Okay." I nod my head.
He looks down. I could tell this wasn't his idea. But he leans in. Moves some of my shirt, and bites my shoulder as hard as possible.

Blood came spewing out of my sholder pain was bursting. He looked at me.
"Get her a bandage now!"
"I will."
A bigger boy with a sheep head on walked in, and started to wrap my sholder.
"Dang, David why did you bite this beauty so hard?"
"Who invited you? Who let him in!?"
"I talked to the guards. They wouldn't disobey God, qnd I wanted to see the girl. Now let me get that bandage on her before she bleeds to death."
I didn't understand what was going on but I'm really wanting them to relive this pain.
"Careful. Please."
"I will. Now beautiful look at me.." the sheep said.
I looked up at the mask. He took it off. He had a short length of hair, blonde and curly. He had brown eyes, glasses and seemed to glow a little bit.
He looked into my eyes. I could smell his fear. A foul smell.
The sheep quickly started to wrap my arm.
"Maddam I'm sorry but may me and David speak outside?"
"Hm. Sure."
He quickly pulled David outside and shut the door nicely

-there conversation-

"What type of girl is that?" He looked at David in fear.
"She was a constestant inrolled into the camp by her mom?"
"No. I don't mean that. How could she not scare you with that look.." the sheep boy looked back and forth.
"What do you mean "that look" stop being a dick. She is a angel. It's quite litteraly her name." David shrugged
"David. Whatever you do don't piss that girl off. She will kill you. She had the sense of a killer. She saw every weak point I had. I could also tell she smelled my fear."
".. she did say if she suspected me as bad in anyway she told me "all I would be is a target."
David looked away thinking.
"And you asked her to marry you! Without my permission!" Sheep said in anger and fear.
"Look. I don't have to ask you anything. Now cmon she's waiting."
The boy with the lion head ran up to the men. "She's gone! She just looked around and the light shattered and she like disappeared."
David looked at the sheep boy. "Your right. She might just be no ordinary human."
"M-Master also she called out a name."
"P-Purple P-P-Pan Flute Guy."
Sheep boy looked at the lionboy "I know that dude, he's a Demon. He told me he was acompaning the Angel of Death."

-Angel's view-

When they were outside talking I looked up at the light and it had shattered. I decided I was done with this room.
It was getting boreing and I wanted to explore. So I called out "Purple Pan Flute Guy!"
For short we call him ppfg, he's a lanky tall stick figure like man. He has goopy purple eyes, long claws and a tophat. He plays the panflute but useally only when he's killing a victim.
We both dissappear, and I reappear right behind my husband.
"Sweety, we done talking?"
David and the sheep boy jumped and both looked at me.
"How did you?" The lion boy said looking at me.
"Ppfg of course."
"Are you sure I should let her give me my mark." David said.
"I kinda think you deserve it" was sheep's response.
"O-oh. Ok. Fallow me darling we will get another room."
"Ah. Fine ok"I sigh.
I fallow from behind him.
The ghosts around here are many, very spooky.
We go into another room. David sits down. "Just do what I did."
He closes his eyes.
So I have to bite his sholder? Ok.
I go over to his sholder and bite.
David screams. When I let go he gushes out with blood.
I lick the blood off my teeth
"AB positive." I say to the sheep boy.
"So wrap him tightly sheep or he will die."
Sheep boy looked at me then started to wrap him up. "My name is Mason."
"And David. I think we should both marry her."
David looked at Mason "No way. The Devil and God both marrying a human."
Ppfg appears next to me "Angel of Death actually"
David. "Hm. Mabey now."
"Well were in the rooms why not now" Mason says in a wine.
"Fine. Bite her other sholder."
"God doesn't bite."
"Wait your not going to do that to her. Cmon she has enough burns."
"I have to. Cmon. My lady lay down."
David gets up. He looks like he's about to cry. I get on the table and lay down.
Mason wraps my hands up and my feet. Then grabs a branding stick and presses it againced my unbiten sholder.
Pain flows again. But this pain I'm used to.
He finally let's me go, and I do the same process to him. Now I have two husband's I guess.

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