Chapter 1-5

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-Chapter 1: My Mother Had Made a Mistake-

Hi I'm Angel, and this is a story that turned my life upside down.

One day I was walking in my house after school or so. Then my mom had to make a argument with me, she was frustrated and furious about small things like my fears or how silly I am. Then in the end she had said the one thing anyone would ever not wish for.
"Damnit Angelina! Fuck it. I'm sending you to 'The Camp'!"
'The Camp'is a camp run by a unknown man who wears a goat head, or hat. It's a mystery, most kids don't come back out the camp. Then when parents ask were there kid is he just says.
"They weren't strong enough. You have failed."
The the parents get a card saying there kid is dead.
That scared me knowing I could probably die in the end, aswell when the kids come out when alive they are practically emotionless. Like they had just come out of the army. My mom told me to pack up because they were doing a new drop of kids because the others weren't 'strong enough'. She told me they were doing some "fun camp thing".
I packed up things I could need to live on.
-rags (10)
-soap bars (3)
-waterbottles and a canister of water
-cans of food
-blankets (3)
-clothes (4 pairs)
-pocket knife.
Then I had been set off. I had to walk to the camp that messed me up for life. But gave me hope.

-Chaper 2; Dares-

I'm on my way there. As I had to go though a passage way, I had met a ginger. Although all I could remember is she had green eyes and she was Ginger with freckles that was gay. She was very nice. On my way there we had found a blue raspberry looking bush, and she had told me that there were some kind of poisonous berry, which I wrote down in a notebook that I had called poisonous plants / berries.
After that we split up. She might be the last person I talk to from outside. I hope she remembers me.
I still walked. I had to go though diffrent forests. All looked like paths that have been walked many times. I wonder how many people walked this path I am. When I got to the camp I saw people that I knew. One was Sean, two was Addie.
I wondered why they were sent to this camp because they were good kids in school and seemed to be good kids anytime else. There was 12 teens in all.
Well as of saying, the man with the goat head, walked in and started telling us the rules of the new thing we're going to do.
Sounded wierd since seems the rules change a lot I'm guessing.

1. No Stealing other people's belongings.
2. If there's a dare of killing, and you're a witness or being killed you may act -such as killing the person who was killing-
3. Don't ruin of any supplies
4. Put a red wire around your land. Whoever gets in your land will be electrocuted to death. Unless if promission by telling the wire. They are in your bags already. They also will hear you.

The Goat Man looks around like he was looking at us, then said cheerfully.
"You male, female, thems and xis here today, will be going through this forest.."
He pointed to the forest on my left.
"To find your dare. They're all up in the front but you can search deeper. Define your dare, there is on object that you would be able to see easily due to its color with the dare in it. Once you have your dare you will be able to do your dare." He stopped for a momment.
"I will always know if you do not do your dare, or you mess up on purpose. You do not have a set amount of time, but if you're the last one to do your dare. You are disqualified and will be sent home"
That had sounds like fun to me. I wondered what would my dare be. Then next he had said the words that started everything.
"On your marks, get set, dare"
We had all ran to the forest looking for our dares.
Shortly after a moment I had found mine on a boxy looking, hot pink Cube with a white piece of paper folded on top and attached on it, in the paper has read.
"Thou must kill one duck, then bring thy head of the duck to the Goat Man"
I had put the dare in my pocket, then I started going into the woods for a nice place for me to set my tent.

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