Chapter 12: Zone Three

Start from the beginning

Getting outside, Mason turned the radio on his Pip-Boy on to Diamond City and sang along to the lyrics. Putting Heather down as they found an old relay tower Oberland. Ignoring the new radio stations, Mason pulled out his pistol as he walked across the bridge to the other side of the river. Due to the trucks on it, they had to be careful, forcing them to be as they walked, Mason keeping an ear out for undesirables.

"Smells like a putain de benne à ordures," Mason yelled, shooting a ghoul as it came out from under a truck, then fired a round into one in front of it. Looking at Curie, Mason couldn't tell if she was surprised by his language. However, her optical receptors did widen more, which was enough for him. Shooting the oil on the ground in front of them, Mason took out three ghouls that had been charging towards them, burning them to crisps.

"Why are they ânes stupides?" Mason questioned before remembering their brains were rotted. "Nevermind, stupid question."

As they were walking, a ghoul came running out of a trailer, charging right for Mason. Before anyone had time to think, Mason grabbed his pistol by the barrel, then slammed the grip into the head, leaving bits of ghoul on his armor.

"That's disgusting," Mason muttered, wiping the blood on a rag Dogmeat had, and when he was done, pointed to the left. "Ah, screw it. There's an interchange area that way, gonna get close enough to mark it on my Pip-Boy."

"There are Gunners over there," Heather informed Mason with a grin.

"Never said I was gonna kill anyone. Definitely can't do that right now," Mason pointed out. "But I can get close enough to mark it without getting caught. If I do, I'll run like a crazy ex is chasing me." Though that was Mason's brother that had to worry about that. The guy slept around in high school, Mason remembering his brother had managed to get some teachers as well. Wasn't something he supported. "You three hold position."

Walking over there, Mason turned off the radio, planning on turning it back on when he got back to them. Taking about ten minutes, running into two brahmins on the way, Mason got it marked, almost got caught, and when he was sure they weren't looking for him, ran back to the others, running like a little merde does from law enforcement.

"I'm back!" Mason yelled, thankful he wasn't caught. He was confident they had an assaultron, though thankfully it was up to, so he got away before they caught him. "Before we continue, we need to eat." Getting some food from Heather, Mason poured some water for Dogmeat and gave him some food before eating himself. When he was done, he made sure his and Heather's guns were loaded, and they started walking towards the partly sunken neighborhood.

"Probably ghouls there," Mason muttered. "If not, then bloatflies. Either way, something uglier that that Marcy woman in Sanctuary." Hearing Heather laugh, Mason smiled at her, wondering why she turned when she saw him looking. Probably nothing. Seeing something wading in the water, Mason grinned as he pulled out his pistol.

"Heather, it's full of ghouls," Mason informed her, and she readied her rifle.

"Let's do it."

"You get high, I get low," Mason told her, pointing to the ramps leading to the roof. Running into the water, Mason shot the first ghoul in the head before putting his pistol away, pulling out his rifle.

"One down, who knows how many to go!" Mason yelled, firing a round into one down the flooded street. Moving forward, Mason jumped back at one point as a body fell.

"Could've been worse," Mason noted, wading through the streets. "Also could've been better."

Wading through the streets, Mason kept his rifle up, firing at the head of anything he saw moving, having to be careful as it neared sunset. It was completely dark by the time they finished, but luckily they found an area people had tried to set up, finding two sleeping bags there.

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