Chapters 1-10 [part 1/2]

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Chapter 1


Too much is going on. Everything is coming at me so fast. I have three more weeks before I graduate and on top of finals, I have to finish this essay for my internship application.

Raquel: te extrano, im so wet for u
: miss you too
Raquel: where are u mi amor???
: at my parents house
Raquel: why didnt u tell me you were going over there?! Tell our parents I said hey
: I will, imma text u when I get back to the dorms, tryna finish up this essay
Raquel: ok we need to talk about the wedding I found the perfect ring!!
: ill txt u l8r
I never proposed to her yet she wanna talk about HER wedding like imma be there. I've been dating Raquel for a year now and I mean she's a good catch but I'm not tryna marry her. She's a psychology major and think she got me and everyone else all figured out. I can't stand a know it all. Plus, I'm focused on graduating and I don't have time for her games. She don't know when enough is enough. I continued working on my paper and not even ten minutes later, another text came through.
Roomy: Bruh, yo girl here
: send her off bro. I don't have time for all that tonight. Im tryna finish up this paper
Roomy: fa sho
: ill prolly crash here at my parents crib tonight bro
Roomy: aight, catch ya tom
That's what I mean. She be doing too much. Why she at my apartment? My roomy Steve, he cool though. He wanna be black so bad. The girls at Butler love him though cuz he stay into some pussy. He have them lined up. Long as he don't bring no drama to the home front we cool. I don't know how he keep them all straight but to each his own. I don't have time for all the drama. I'm just tryna get in and outta school. After four years, he's still undecided. But his people rolling in dough, so he got time I guess.
My parents not too bad off either. I come from a good home in Meridian Hills, one of the nicer neighborhoods in Indianapolis or Naptown as some call it. My dad has been a Pharmacist at Eli Lilly for almost all of my life, making good money. My older sister Candice and I have never wanted for anything.
"Dawson can u warm a bottle up for me," my mom asked me over the intercom system. My parents are watching my niece Ava so my sister and her husband can have a date night.
"Yes ma'am." I knew I shoulda stayed at the dorms. I need to focus and don't have time for this. But being home in my decked out room lets my creative juices flow more freely than in the dorms or one of the campus libraries. I have everything I need; the lighting is just right and my queen size pillow top bed is way more comfortable.
After warming up the bottle, I went to the den room where my parents were."Here you go ma." I handed her the bottle. My dad was sleep in his recliner as usual.
"I guess Ava is spending the night since they still aren't back. Thank you son, can you hold her for me while I get in my workout?" My dad always goes to sleep after dinner while my mom always exercises. I guess that's why she's still fit and he has a big ass pot belly.
"Ma, I was just on my way back to campus. Love you." I hate lying to my mom but I have to go. Cuz holding cute little Ava for 30 minutes will turn into 3 hrs. I handed her the bottle, gave them both a kiss on the cheek, grabbed my Chromebook and keys and jetted.
The ride back to campus was smooth as always. My dad wanted to get me a beamer after graduating high school but I had to keep it G with a black on black Impala SS. I let the windows down to catch the cool spring night air. I stopped at the light next to a little Nissan of three girls blasting some music and singing their hearts out. I hate that damn 'Can't Raise a Man song'. When will it get old? I laughed at them singing like the lyrics are facts and they all know first hand. The girl driving and I made eye contact, she cute. Brown skin with full lips and a nice smile. Skiiirrrtt! Her peeling off broke my glance. 10:30. I made a deal with myself as a parked to sleep now and get up at six to finish. Can't get my key in the lock fast enough I have to pee so bad. I walked past Steve door and noted the jacket hanging on the handle which means he has female company.
After relieving my bladder that was all she wrote. Don't even remember falling asleep. I woke up to the smell of burning eggs. This dude stay tryna cook. Damn it, it's 8:50. I overslept. I made my way to the kitchen and almost fell on my face. What the fuck?! I know it ain't what I think it is, I thought to myself as I noticed Steve and Raquel eating breakfast. I surveyed the situation, why else would she be here this early cooking with a wife beater and shorts on. Steve looked up and saw me."Bruh!" he said as he shook up with me.
"What's up bro?" I returned the dap.
"Good morning!" Raquel said nervously as she re-tied her ponytail. "I called myself surprising you this morning but you were sleeping so peacefully." She lied. Bullshit, but I'll play along.
"Was up? Ya'll left some for me?"
"I can make you some more," she got up and walked to the sink.
"Naw I'm good, thanks anyway. I'll just eat some cereal." I walked past her to grab a bowl and the box of Frosted Flakes. Focus. I had the urge to slap the shit outta her, not cause I loved her, not cuz I was jealous, but because she underestimated a real man like me and took me for a sucka. Three more weeks. I was never the jealous type I believe in the saying if another man can take you, you was never mine.

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