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amber met red.

red met amber.

the air was thick as edward stared at athena with such an intensity that the brunette thought she was going to go up in flames. he couldn't help it though. his mind was not only filled with the judgemental thoughts of those around him, but his own self-depricating voice telling him just how much he screwed up as he stared as this mate that he thought he would never see again.

there is no way you thought marrying the imposter wouldn't come with such extreme consequences, you idiot. his own voice said but a similar thought came to his mind from rosalie. it was one of the rare instances he couldn't argue with his blonde sister.

"athena," he gulped. her right eyebrow quirked up as she looked at him.

"edward," she said and although she didn't mean it, it came out in a snarl. this was the idiot that broke her heart after all.

"why are you here?" asked edward and athena rolled her eyes so hard that her siblings thought they would be stuck there.

"as if you have any right to ask me that. I am here to fix your mistakes and protect our family, like I always have to do. you've made quite a mess here, haven't you Eddie boy?" she smirked. his nostrils flared as he heard her condescending tone.  

"don't call me that, and no one wants you here athena. not when you'll probably eat your way through the town before you actually help anyone," said edward.

"I can call you whatever I like, eddie boy," she said and steeped closer to him, sizing him up. even though she was almost his height, she could easily take him on because even before she turned nearly 800 years prior, she was a warrior so her body held onto the highly defined curves and muscle that she had.

"and we all want her here. so you're kind of in the minority here," said emmett as he came to stand behind his older sister.

"and I don't think that you'll be able to change anyone's mind on that," said alice, who up until now had said nothing as she stood with jasper, the knowing glint in her eye letting everyone know that she was stating a fact. edward let out an exasperated sigh as he pushed passed his family and left to his home.

"we'll see about that," muttered athena. causing trouble was always one of her favourite pass times.


"Is it true?" asked Bella as he arrived at their home. He turned to face his wife and feigned a look of confusion.

"Is what true Bella?" he asked.

"Is she your mate? " Edward didn't want to answer but he knew this was one secret he wouldn't be able to hide.

"Bella, I, I have to be honest with you," he began. "Athena is..." he swallowed hard and began turning away. "You know what, never mind."

"No , Edward," said Bella firmly. She wasn't angry, noted Edward, as her face seemed calm, but her eyes were showing curiosity. Her shield made the situation frustrating as he wished he could read more than her expression. "We are going to talk about this,"

"I don't think you can handle it," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I just don't think you'll understand,"

"Then make me understand Edward. Who is she?" asked bella in a calm collected voice. edward really didn't want to explain this to her, but he knew she would be persistent in her questioning.

"do you remember when I explained what a blood singer is?" he asked and she nodded her head for him to continue.

"yes, i do. a bloodsinger is a type of mate," said bella.

"it is, but a vampire can have more than one bloodsinger, but..." edward gulped hard. "they only get one mate. athena is that mate." he said and watched as her face turned between emotions. it eventually settled on a blank stare, which frustrated him more as he couldn't do anything about it.

"i don't know what to say," began bella, "at the moment, I feel like a second option for you that is about to get thrown to the wolves,"

"bella, that would never happen!" exclaimed edward and threw his arms in the hair.

"how do i know that, edward? how do i know that if she walks through that door right now you won't go running back to her? that you won't grab the chance with no hesitation?" questioned bella. edward stammered over his words as he starred at her trying to figure out what to say next. bella gave a stiff nod at his hesitancy and turned to walk renesmee into her bedroom.

"bella wait i," he began but she lifted her hand to silence him.

"no, you clearly need time to think about your decision. speak to me when you have made up your mind." she said and went to their daughter's room.

edward sighed and ran a hand through his hair. he moved to the living room and sat in front of the fire that was slowly dying. there was no way that he would be able to just make up his mind over all of this. on one hand, he loved bella more than anything in the world and he loved his daughter almost as much. he would sacrifice everything he owned to protect them. on the other hand, every fibre of his being was screaming to go to athena and claim her as his. he wanted nothing more than to run directly to her but it seemed as though his unbeating heart was going to be ripped in half. either way, he was going to be the selfish one in the situation and there would definitely be at least one broken heart.

the first cullen // e.m.cullenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin