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athena didn't know what to expect when she arrived in forks. 

from the little information she had managed to pry out of emmett before he left with rosalie, she knew that it had to do with him. or she assumed so. they were cagey about giving away too much information to her and she knew it could only be because of him.  

with a gasp, athena let her head pop up from the cold ocean water that surrounded her. she would be able to easily board a plane and blend in with the people around her, but the thought of her father being able to track her as she used the family's money made her undead skin crawl. instead she opted for swimming through the icy waters of the north pacific ocean. luckily, she wasn't really effected. 

she trudged up the beach at forks, her wet clothing clinging to her body. athena had been with her family when they had drawn up the treaty with the wolfs on the reservation so she knew that the run from the beach to her family's home might be treacherous if any wolves were able to sniff her out. 

willing up her courage, she took an unneeded deep breath, and pushed off into the forest. she made the trip quickly, and thanks to her powers, was able to hide her scent as she ran. athena was somewhat grateful for the run, as she realised that her clothing had dried due to the speed that she was travelling at. her hair sat a mess on her head and she slipped a hair tie in, pulling it back but allowing the curls to still flow freely. 

athena stopped just short of a clearing in her family's backyard, where she saw familiar vampires either lounging around or watching as others demonstrated their powers. her eyes caught sight of her mother and father and she stepped out of the forest. 

"mom," said athena and she watched as nearly everyone's heads whipped around to her. she knew that several, if not all, the vampires would recognise her. esme whipped her head around to where the voice came from and gasped as she saw her eldest daughter. 

"athena," said esme. She raced down to where athena was and threw her arms around her. carlisle followed soon after, eager to see his eldest daughter- who was, in actual fact older than him- and welcome her home.

"we didn't think that you would come," said carlisle. the covens knew that athena was a sore spot for the cullens because edward had in fact left her all those years ago, so they watched with baited breath as the bronze haired cullen turned to where his parents were standing.

edward's eyes went wide as he saw athena. she was in fact his true mate and everyone knew that. bella was nothing but a blood singer that was there to fill the gap that athena left. athena stared at edward for a split second before turning back to carlisle and esme.

"i wasn't but, emmett and rose convinced me. I'm nothing if not a protector of this family, no matter what," she said and the subtlety of the statement was lost as she walked passed edward and his family over to rose and emmett. They hugged, and were about to walked inside when athena stopped abruptly and looked back at the small family.

she said nothing, and simply laughed an airy laugh before walking away with her brother and sister. 

the first cullen // e.m.cullenWhere stories live. Discover now