chapter 2

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Alice walked out the train, right behind her three new friends, when she heard Lupin talking to someone farther behind them. "I'm looking for someone. A student, probably third or fourth year. She has darker hair but did not have her school robes on. I need to find her. She was in the cabin with Harry Potter, she might be walking around with him," he asked an older student. Alice panicked and looked back at Lupin. He then looked up from the student and locked eyes with her. Nodding at the student he was talking too, he walked off towards Alice. 

She quickly pushed herself through all the students in front of her and in panic squeezed herself into one of the cabins on the side. She sat down on the benches and concentrated. Then Lupin walked right into the cabin and looked around it quickly, almost hovering over Alice. Still wondering where Alice might have gone, he walked out the cabin and pushed himself through all the students, like Alice did. She waited in the cabin until everyone had left the train and then walked out, following the trail that was lit by fire flies. 

When she realised that there was no one around her anymore, she left her state of invisibility, with which she hid from Lupin, and continued walking, until she saw a big castle at the other side of the lake. She saw little boats with students and teachers in it, paddling across the lake to the castle. There was one boat left, so she step inside and rode over the lake herself. By the time she had gotten to the other side, everyone had already wandered up the stairs to the main gate of the castle. At this point, she already figured it was the school Harry had been gushing over. So, she made her way up the stairs and noticed the last couple of students strutting off into a giant hall. As she walked into the Hall, she got back into her invisible state and placed herself at the back of the hall, watching everyone take their seats from distance. She spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione at the table on the middle to right, looking around the room, trying to find her. She felt bad for leaving them without any notice, but it seemed like the only right thing to do at that point in the train. 

As Dumbledore started talking, Alice watched everyone around the room, especially analyzing the teachers at the front. She noticed the professor at the front that had followed and lost her on the train. Then, Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking and looked towards the back of the room, right where she was standing, as if he was able to see her. Alice froze out of shock and then slowly backed out of the giant room, running through the hallways and trying to find another way out of the school. 

In the distance she heard Dumbledore ending his speech and running out the Hall the way she had run. Alice continued running and came to the Courtyard of Hogwarts, where she saw a little hut in the distance, next to the giant forest. She ran down the hill towards the hut and quickly closed the door behind her as she arrived at it. In her weakness, she laid off the invisibility and sat down on the couch in the den. As she tried catching her breath, she looked around the little hut, confused of some of the creatures laying inside of there. As she slowly got to catch her breath, she closed her eyes and fell quick asleep.

She was woken by a loud thump of a door being opened. Alice quickly opened her eyes, but before she could vanish in any way, a big, tall man with his face almost fully covered in hair, walked in. When he saw Alice, he immediately pulled out an umbrella and held it towards her, while Alice held her hands up towards him. "Who are yeh," the man asked. "I'm Alice, who are you?" Alice replied. "I'm Hagrid. Why are yeh in meh hut?" Hagrid asked, still holding the umbrella towards Alice. 

"I-I need help," Alice replied, letting her hands down by her side and falling back into the couch. Hagrid put down the umbrella and sat down on a chair in front of the couch. "As a student yeh shouldn't be out at this hour," Hagrid said. "I'm not a student," Alice answered. "What? Then why are yeh here at Hogwarts?" Hagrid asked confused. "One of the students here took me with him, because he wanted me to see the school and change my mind about going to this school, only I wouldn't have thought it to be such a good idea," Alice explained. 

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