chapter 1

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A/n- this story is mainly Liam's pov unless stated otherwise.


My name is Liam Payne. I am 13 years old but I will be 14 on the 29th August. I have just been kicked off the X-factor. I have just moved from Wolverhampton England to Mullingar Ireland because my mum has just got a promotion at work and because everyone was making fun of me. I am in my room and I hear my dad yell "Get the door boy" I go downstairs and I answer the door. I say "Hello" the stranger at the door who looks to be about my age maybe a bit older and he says "Hi my name is Niall I live just across the road." I smile and say "Nice to meet you Niall. I'm Liam." Niall says " Would you like me to show you around Mullingar?" I nod and say "Yes please. I have only just moved here from Wolverhampton" Niall says "Would tomorrow work for you?" I say "I am going to have to ask my mum or dad" Niall says "I'll give you my number so you can let me know what they say." I nod and I give Niall my phone so he can type his number in my phone. "Let me know when you have asked your mum or dad Liam." I say "I will Niall " Niall leaves the door and goes back to his house and I shut the door and I go into the living room. My dad says "Who was at the door?" I say " Someone called Niall. He was wondering if he could show me around Mullingar" my dad says "No you can not. You are not telling him about our arrangement." I say " I haven't told mum or Ruth or Nicola. Why would I tell someone I barely know" my dad says "Fine you can go" I say "Thank you so much dad" he gives me a look and I say "Sorry father" my dad gives me a look and I run up into my room.

I text Niall saying 'I can come out tomorrow' Niall texts back saying 'cool I'll pick you up at 10 and we will meet my two friends from school called Eric and Adam' I text back saying 'Alright see you at 10' I look at the time as my mum comes in "Hi Liam" I smile at my mum and say to her "How was your first day at work?" Mum says "It was good. Heard from dad that you are going out tomorrow" I nod and say "yeah I am. Niall is picking me up at 10 and we are going to meet his friends from school called Eric and Adam" mum nods she has a small smile on her face and says "Be careful Liam" I nod and say "I will mum" mum helps me to get into a nappy for bed since my body doesn't produce antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which is the hormone to stop me from wetting the bed when I fall asleep. Mum then tucks me in and kisses my forehead "Night Liam, love you" I say to mum "Night mum love you too" mum leaves the room and I curl into myself and fall asleep.

The next morning I get woken up by my mum shaking me "Li wake up Niall will be here in Half an hour" I am instantly up and my mum says "Get dressed" I nod and my mum leaves the room. I quickly find an outfit for today and I quickly get changed. I rush downstairs as there is a knock at the door. I hear Niall saying "Hello is Liam ready. I am showing him around today" I hear my mum say "Yeah he should be here soon." My mum yells " LIAM ARE YOU READY NIALL IS HERE" I rush in and say "I'm here mum. You don't need to shout. Hi Niall" Niall says "Hi Liam. Are you ready to go?" I nod and say " See you after work mum. " mum says "See you then Li. Have fun. Dad should be home when you get home Liam" I nod and leave the house.

Niall says "We are going to meet Eric and Adam in the park. It is about a ten minute walk from here" I nod and say to Niall "Do they know I am coming?" Niall nods and says "Yeah they do know. How old are you?" I say " I'm 13 but I will be 14 on the 29th of this month. How old are you? " Niall says "I'm 14 going to be 15 on September 13th. Do so you know what school you are going to?" I say " I'm not sure how to pronounce it" Niall says "Have a go Liam" I say "Alright I am going to Coláiste Mhuire Mullingar" Niall says " That is the school I go to. I can show you around if you want? " I say "Yes please" Niall nods and says "I'll show you around on the first day" I nod and say "Thanks" Niall's phone starts ringing. "Its Adam" Niall answers his phone and puts it on speaker "Hi Adam" Adam says "Where are you Niall? Even Eric is here before you" Niall says "We are about to walk through the gates now" Adam says "Alright see you soon" Niall says "See you soon" and ends the call he says to me "when I normally meet up with Eric and Adam I am normally first there" I say "Sorry I made you late" Niall says "Don't worry about it Liam. You are new here" Niall smiles at me. I smile back at him and we walk into the park.

When we get to where Eric and Adam are Niall says "Hi Eric and Adam. This is Liam. Liam this is Eric and this is Adam" pointing to them as he said their name. I smile and say "Hi" Eric says "Ooh your British" I nod and say "I moved here tom Wolverhampton because my mum got a promotion at work" Adam says "What school are you going to?" Niall says " He is going to the same school as us and he is going to be in the same year as us. " I nod and Niall says "Shall we go and show Liam around" Eric and Adam both nod and they show me around the area Mullingar we are living Niall says "Let's go and get a late lunch" we all nod and Niall says "Li do you have any allergies?" I say " I can't have chicken or fish. Both make me have the runs bad" I look away from them embarrassed. Niall says "Don't need to be embarrassed Liam" I nod and Adam says "Shall we go to the sandwich place that we normally go to" Niall nods and they lead me down an alley way we walk into a small shop and Adam looks at his phone and says "Niall it is your turn to pay" Niall nods and says "Liam do you want to come and look at the menu?" I nod and follow Niall. The owner says "Hello Niall. Would you like the usual?" Niall says "Yes please and Liam what do you want?" I look at the menu and says " Cheese, ham and sweetcorn baguette" Niall nods and tells the owner and pays and the owner says "Go and sit down and I will bring your baguettes over when they are ready" Niall nods and we go to where Eric and Adam are sat. I say "How much do I owe you Niall" Niall says "Don't worry about it Liam. We all take it in turns to pay so it works out about the same" I nod and Adam suddenly says "That's where I recognised you from. You were on the x-factor. I don't think Simon made the right choice. Your voice is amazing. You should go back in two years like Simon said. Are you really only 13?" I smile and blush and look down "Thanks. I don't know if I will though. I got bullied enough when I got kicked off the first time. Yeah I am only 13. I'll be 14 on the 29th August". The baguettes come out and Niall says "Thanks" Niall hands out the baguettes. We all eat and I get a text from my dad saying 'Get home now I need to talk to you' I text back saying 'I'll be home soon' Eric says "You alright Liam? You look like you have seen a ghost" I nod and say "My dad wants me to get home" Niall says "I'll take you home" I nod and Eric and Adam says "See you at school" we both say "See you at school" we go our seprate ways.

Once we are back at the road I see my dad waiting outside for me. I freeze seeing how angry he looks. Niall says "Are you alright Liam?" I nod and walk the rest of the way to my house and Niall goes into his house. My dad puts a rough hand on my shoulder and grips it tightly enough to leave bruises.

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