Chapter 5: Back to the Tower part 2

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"What are you doing Simon? We have to keep moving," she protested.

"Erza, cut it out already, I know when something is wrong, So tell me, I'm here for you. If you need to cry on, then let it all out." After that, she grabbed onto me tight and cried out.

"S-Simon, it's Lacy... S-she's... dead." She cried. My eyes were as wide as saucers. "Erza... look at me." She didn't, so I brought her face up to mine. "I don't know where you got that idea from, but she is not dead, if she was dead then I wouldn't be able to see her soul's aura. I can't pinpoint her location, but I can tell you that she is alive." It seemed like a touchy subject for her, so I asked for her permission for me to go through her mind and find out what happened. She granted me permission to do so, and after seeing what happened, I saw why she was so protective and why she was so reluctent to let those friends of her's join us. After she stopped crying, I hugged her and gave her a small kiss on the nose, hiding my blush in my mask. "We should catch up with your friends now."

(Note: In the anime it was shown that Simon's magic is Darkness magic, but it wasn't really shown what all he could do with it, so two thing he can do with it in this story are detect the souls of others, and go through the memories of others and view them like he was there when it actually accured)

Lucy's POV:

"That was a nice nap." I yawned, while bending my back down towards the floor, stretching like a cat. I honestly didn't know why I stretched like that, it just felt like something I've done my entire life. "Oh my gosh! You even stretch like a kitty!" I looked behind me to see the Neko lady from before. "What have you done to me?! Where am I?" I questioned, getting into a fighting stance.

"Hey, no need to get riled up yet. First off, I didn't do anything other then wrap you in my kitty-blast rope and bring you to my room here at the tower of heaven along with that cute blue kitty. I do have some questions I want answers to though." She said.

"What kind of questions?"

"I want to know who you are and why I feel such a strong connection to you." She stated.

"Wait! You feel that connection too?! It's stronger than the connection I feel to Erz!"

"What does this mean? I don't even know who you are other than a human girl that acts like a cat." She said.

"I don't know what it means either, I've been trying to figure it out myself for so long. For you're other question, I don't know who I am truly, I had awoken on the Heartfilia's river bank with not a single memory. I was told that I am Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of Layla and Jude Heartfilia, But 13 years later, before leaving my abusive father, I was given a file with my adoption certificate, and had discovered I'd been lied to my entire life, Lucy may not even be my real name, but until I remember everything, that is what I will go by." By now, I was in tears and curled up in a little ball, sobbing.

I felt someone pulling me into their lap in a comforting embrace.

"I'm so sorry Lucy, to be honest I didn't expect you to tell me all that, it's like we've known each other forever. I am Milliana, and I am a human Neko." I looked up, surprised to see I was in the embrace of the enemy and I knew I shouldn't be, but it felt so right! The warmth felt so protecting and loving I couldn't help but melt into it and fall asleep like this, the last thing I heard was, "Lacy, I miss the days when this was us." I felt tears drop down my face as she held me tighter and we both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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