Chapter 1- First Day

Start from the beginning

You made it to the U.A earlier than expected. You got into U.A by recommendation because of your father and was in Class 1A.

When you got to the classroom, you notice that there were a few people there. But you didn't want to be bothered by them so you just picked a seat and laid you head down.

But not even 10 minutes later, you heard to voices yelling which made you angry.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, cretin!"

"Are you fucking kidding me.." You whispered hearing their conversation.

"Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it." The ash blond said.

Before one of them could say anything else, you spoke up.

"Can you both shut the fuck up! The world isn't centered around you and your just making fools out of yourselves." You yelled and you saw the ash blond get angry.


"Obviously you. But I'm not going to argue with someone who obviously needs anger management." You insulted but before he could say anything, a voice stood up.

"If you here to make friends then you can pack your stuff now." Man said in a sleeping bag and that voice belonged to no other than Eraserhead, aka Aizawa.

He sighed. "Put these on and head outside." Aizawa said and that what everyone did.

Once everyone was outside, Mr. Aizawa started to explain.

"Alright we're doing a quirk assessment test." Aizawa stated.

"But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" A brunette said.

"If you really want to be pros you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. I get to run this class however I see fit." Aizawa said turning to the ash blond.

"Bakugou you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball?" Aizawa asked.

"About 67 meters.." Bakugou replied.

"Now try doing it with your quirk." Aizawa commanded and that's exactly what Bakugou did.

Bakugou started to stretch and got into position. He threw the ball using the power of his quirk. His distance was 705.2 meters.

The class started to chatter.

"Idiots.." You said under your breath

"Today you will compete in eight physical tests. Whoever comes in last will be expelled." Aizawa said and the class gasp in fear.

Well almost everyone except a couple of people. One of those people were you. You knew Aizawa was bluffing but you weren't that worried anyways since you were very confident in you skill.

And so it started off with a 50 meter dash. You were paired up with the brunette from earlier. You guys got into the position.

"All I need to do is propel myself towards the finish line with my lava. Shouldn't be too hard." You thought to yourself.

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