The year is nineteen-seventy-four. The Stones are having a secretive gathering in their shared home. The night is dark and ominous, the wind howling like a wolf howling at the ripened full moon. All seven of the boys were huddled in the living room beside the fireplace, the sound of crackling embers filled the air. Keith had a heavy leather book in his hand, jet black, with aging paper.
It had a pentagram carved into its cover. Mick was sitting beside Keith on his right side, Brian on the opposite side, studying the book alongside him. The three of them had claimed one of the small sofas closest to the fire.

Charlie sat nearby in an armchair, casting his skeptical yet amused look at the three, with Mick T sitting in the sofa across from where Brian, Keith, and Mick sat, and Ronnie was sprawled on the floor listening. Bill was in the kitchen making popcorn for the mini party. "You guys really think this crap is gonna work?" Charlie snorted as the devious three eagerly flipped through a book on black magic. "Of course it is!" Mick retorted as Keith flipped to another page, and got that all-too-familiar ambitious gleaming in his eye. "Let's try this one on someone." Keith declared, Mick supporting him fully.
"Now who's the easiest to hold down.." Keith mumbled, deep in thought, when suddenly, it clicked. "Why not Bill?" Mick suggested, much to Brian's dismay, but he quickly hid it away. Charlie watched them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah, wait'll he comes back, this ought to work on him." Keith chortled in agreement. Ronnie was eager to be in on Keith's evil plan, so he huddled up beside the trio on the couch. Keith told him to run upstairs and fetch some supplies while they figured out the logistics of the spell. By the time Ronnie had come back, Bill was just reentering with a few bowls of popcorn. The evil trio all stared at him. "What're you lookin' at me for?" Bill cocked his brow.

"Can you, er, participate in our little game?" Mick asked curiously. "What is it?" Bill asked as he set the popcorn down on the ground beside Ronnie.
Mick avoided the question. "Just stand here," Mick motioned to the center of the area where all the chairs circled, a blank floor space.

Bill stayed put, and Mick begged him a little, which finally made him do it. He stood in the center while Mick glanced over at Ronnie and Mick T, signaling them with his eyes.

"I don't like where this is going.." Charlie murmured, watching the whole thing play out. Brian didn't like it that much either, but was enjoying the show.
"Please, sit down." Mick said cordially, and Bill obliged, sitting down on the wood floor, confused, but willing to see it through. Mick's nature changed instantly. "Hold him down." Mick commanded in a hushed tone, and before Bill could figure out what was going on Mick T and Ronnie had got him. Mick T pushed him down on his back and Ronnie grabbed Bill's legs and pulled him out so that he was laying flat on his back, feet facing the fire.

"What the hell—" Bill started to yell, startled by the sudden force. Mick T was holding Bill down firmly by his arms, at Mick's orders, but his eyes showed that he was sorry. Because Mick T was stronger and bigger than the smol Bill, it resulted in Bill not being able to escape him and Ronnie's grasp, writhing on the floor was useless. Mick smiled wickedly and turned to Keith as Charlie watched, considered speaking out on the situation but staying quiet, partially out of fear. "Can you sprinkle it on him, please, Brian," Mick said with a wicked tone. "Wait, sprinkle what on..?" Bill questioned as Brian picked up a small bottle of clear liquid, thought probably not water (Mick's pee of course), and spritzed it onto Bill's body.

Then, Keith began reading a strange text in a strange, alien language as Brian routinely doused Bill with the liquid, and even opened a can of dark blood red powder to start putting on Bill. This was when Bill began struggling fiercely against his stronger opponents, desperately trying to get out of whatever he had been wrapped up in.
Charlie tried to intervene but it was far too late. Bill kept wriggling and feebly crying out pleas for them to stop, telling them that this wasn't right and that he didn't want to do it, but the evil trio persisted, and Mick T and Ronnie kept Bill down.
"Andromioso sacreno.." Bill looked up frightened as the powder covered his body in light uneven sheets, and as Brian uncorked a small vial of red liquid, blood, Bill sealed his mouth shut, not allowing that to go into his mouth for sure. Brian ran his finger across Bill's lips to pry them open gently, and succeeded before pushing the vial between his lips, feeding him the blood serum as Keith continued his chanting, with Mick joining in, starting to get louder. At first, Bill didn't like the taste of the blood, but after sipping a bit more, and with the nonsense chanting ringing in his ears, he realized he craved the taste and eagerly lapped up the remaining liquid in the vial.

"What the hell are you guys doing to him? Turning him into a vampire?" Charlie looked on in horror. "No, we are trying to summon a demon and using him as the vessel." Mick replied matter-o-factly before resuming the chant. Bill began to sweat profusely as he writhed more, not so much wanting to get out of it as wanting to taste more blood. Brian noticed this and uncorked another vial for Bill as the chanting rose in volume. "Garatioco dosomicasti, garatioco dosomicasti.." Keith practically yelled as he watched Bill greedily slurp the blood from the vial in Brian's hand.

The chant finally ended, and without warning Bill began to spasm and shudder before his eyes rolled back, blood streaming from his mouth as he passed out, stopped moving. It all happened so fast that no one had bothered to help him out. Charlie rushed over to him and wiped the blood off his face. Charlie was having trouble processing what had just happened. Brian started dusting the powder off Bill as the others just watched.

"Man, can't believe that just worked." Keith said in disbelief, while Mick T and Ronnie let go of Bill and watched from a distance. "OH YEAH? LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HIM! MAKING HIM DRINK FUCKIN' BLOOD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" Charlie boomed, but quickly dropped volume. "He might not wake up.." Charlie said worriedly, looking down at the passed out Bill, his head resting in Charlie's lap. "He'll be fine." Mick assured, while Keith said nothing. A loud thunder crack boomed outside, putting everyone on edge.

"I think that's enough magic for today." Brian said after he had finished cleaning Bill off. Mick and Keith agreed. Actually, everyone agreed, besides the unconscious Bill of course, but I mean he would probably agree. Mick T and Charlie carried Bill upstairs to his room, with the others following suit.
"Charlie, could you watch Bill in case something strange happens?" Mick asked, trying to hide his eagerness in the concept of the spell actually working.
"Sure." Charlie replied with a huff, annoyed with the evil three but he needed to help Bill.

Mick and Ronnie decided to share a room, Brian and Keith shared a room, and Mick T slept in the room right next to Bill and Charlie's in case something were to occur.

The popcorn was forgotten.

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