Chapter 6: Mr. Principal

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''example'' = normal talk

'example' = thoughts

                   'example' = Skyler

'example' = Slenderman

*example* = sound effect


"ALRIGHT! Students, this is your big day and time to shine! Go down there and show them what class 3E is capable of!" Korosensei cheered, watching his class leave.

He himself was not usually allowed to go to the main campus, so he did his best to be their cheerleader from their class building. The students didn't share much of the enthusiasm, only some of them waving back at him, nervous to go into the beasts den they call the main campus.

Behind them, three people were on their own separate small jurney.

Karasuma POV

The walk was quiet. The students were focusing on the approaching exams and the duo behind me was just as talkative. I didn't mind of course. To be fair, these two hardly shut up yesterday. They always bickered, almost like siblings. It got annoying after a few times.

'I wonder what their meeting with the principal will be like...he sounded eager to meet them for some reason. Maybe he believes he can make them his puppets, like he usually does with everyone else...although, maybe I just imagined it. He is an....interesting person to talk with afterall'


After I wished the students good luck on their exams, I took the duo up to the principals office.

"Alright, we're here. Principal Asano is probably gonna ask you a few questions and then write you down as my assistants. That should be all"

The duo nodded and I turned around to knock. I overheard the two behind me bicker about something, but after Asano called 'Come in', they stopped.

 And so, I opened the door.

Scarlet POV

"If your dumbass causes a scene I will personally throw you out the window" I hissed at the male.

"That would be a relief, I wouldn't have to spend more time with you! And why do you care about this anyway!?" Jeff gritted his teeth.

"He's the principal. He knows what's going on in that class. If you fucking insult him, he has the power to call FBI on us, the same as Karasuma. Now, shut the fuck up and try to act calm" I glared at him. He wanted to talk back, but as soon as we heard the principal speak, I shushed him. He glared, but didn't speak.

Karasuma was first to open the door, greeting the principal and then letting us come in. As soon as I stepped inside, the atmosphere changed drastically.

It almost felt....unnerving.

The office was huge, with only one desk on the opposite side of the door, behind it a wall made out of windows.

And at the desk sat none other than the principal.

Asano Gakuho

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