His scent

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Kageyama's POV

I looked at the defenceless omega sleeping in my lap, his face perfectly neutral, lips opened slightly and long ginger lashes fanned out fluttering gently. I watched as he slept small hands desperately clutching me, his beauty was bewitching. his eyes gently blinked open meeting mine with a soft sleepy gaze, he yawned adorably sitting up in my lap. He was blushing Madley as he moved his arms off me away, "sorry for getting you involved" he mumbled. "Wait stay" I spoke " I- I mean you just nearly dropped, you should rest" . "Hm I suppose you're right" he said thoughtfully moving closer to me, he looked at the scattered clothes on the bed and laughed a bit before turning to me and saying "did you try to make me a nest?" . "um yes is it really bad?, I've never done this before so ..." I questioned. "No I just need to adjust it a bit" he said shooing me off the bed starting to arrange the pillows and clothes to his liking, one he nestled comfortably into the nest I realised what I done. I tried so hard to avoid him now he was sat in my room, I awkwardly turned to leave murmuring a "I'll go now". "No Kageyama stay" he gestured for me to come into the nest, my alpha pride swelled at being invited into his nest. I carefully crawled onto the bed next Hinata, he looked better already but his pheromones still smelt pungent and distressed maybe he didn't want to be near me. He must of noticed me picking up on the scent because he faced me and said "I can still smell that guy's pheromones on me so can't help the distress pheromones, it's not because of you" once again seeing straight through me. I felt relieved and sighed " is there anything I could do to help" I said to Hinata, "um do you think you could scent me? your pheromones are calming" he admitted my heart jumped at this and I blushed. "o-okay sure" I said sitting closer to Hinata, I gently picked up his
hand rubbing his wrists against mine mixing our pheromones into the most delightful scent. Hinata visibly relaxed into me tilting his head giving me access to the scent gland on his neck, blushing deeply I nuzzled his small neck scenting him there too.

Hinata didn't move he just stayed lain against me enjoying the smell we had created, it was deeply embarrassing but it showed me that Hinata wanted to still be my friend. We stared at each other completely taking in the silent tenderness of the moment declaring a truce, my hands had wound around Hinata at some point and were gently playing with his ginger curls lightly whilst he stayed pressed up against my neck taking comfort in my pheromones. It was a moment of unspoken understanding, we stayed peacefully in each other's company and touch for hours talking about pleasant nothings whilst the sunset glowed through the ajar curtains. It was such a perfect moment that I found myself confessing that I had been scared of him abandoning me to Hinata, he said nothing in response and only tightened his arms around me before whispering subtly into the crook of my neck. "I will never leave you Tobio, you're my best friend" my eyes wetted at hearing the intimate phrase whispered into the quietness of the room. "Thank you Shoyo" I breathed out melting into his tender touch.

The evening was spent in domestic bliss, Hinata humming and chopping up vegetables whilst I sat on the counter watching the adorable omega completely wrapped up in the task at hand. Hinata was cooking dinner for the two of us darting around the kitchen picking up various things, I was staring at my phone when I heard a loud bang and an "ouch". Hinata had jumped to try reach a cup one of the high shelves but smacked his knee on the counter, " you idiot, just ask if you need help" I laughed leaning over him to get the cup. I passed it to him and he pouted a little holding his knee, "hang on I'll get the first aid kit" I said wandering off. When I returned he was sat on the counter legs swinging slightly one bleeding, cleaning it was a task as I kept getting distracted by his soft thighs but I managed put a bandage on it. In the process of cleaning Hinata's leg he noticed my bruised knuckles, I had forgotten how badly I hurt them in the fight. After a firm scolding Hinata gently wiped at the dry blood and disinfected the cuts, he sighed putting plasters on my knuckles before chuckling and saying "you really have no restraint huh ?". " I can't help it you know, I wanted to kill him that fucking bastard" I said gritting my teeth, "Hey i'm okay now though tobio, thanks to you" Shoyo said tenderly holding my hands with his small ones. "Now go sit food's ready!" he beamed at me eyes wrinkling with a smile, his smile made me weak in the knees and I obeyed his orders watching as he plated up our food. The food he made was delicious and flavourful, "shoyo when did you learn to cook so good" I said floored. "my mom is a terrible cook so my little sister Natsu makes me cook for her" he giggled out. I ate in record time then settled on the sofa Hinata next me our sides pressed together as we watched a movie, he turned and questioned "Tobio where are your parents". "my dad works overseas and my mom works all over the place so she's gone frequently she's not back till Monday" I replied plainly, Hinata's mouth dropped "you must get so lonely" he said astonished "well I guess I do sometimes" he suddenly sprung up smiling enthusiastically "can I stay over then, to keep you company of course" he asked bouncing up and down. "we don't have a spare room" I started but Hinata cut me off interjecting " that's okay we can just share your bed". He smiled so sweetly I couldn't refuse "okay okay, fine" "YES!" he shouted jumping up in victory.

Hinata had phoned his mother to say he was staying at a friends and was happily sat back on the sofa watching the tv when he stood up and stretched declaring he needed a shower, I lead him down the corridor giving him a clean towel and showed him to the bathroom. "shout if you need anything" I said to Hinata who stood in the bathroom doorway, "oh could you lend me some clothes please" he said closing the bathroom door. I scampered off and collected the smallest of my clothes. knocking on the door I said " I'll just put the clothes down by the door" and a murmured "okay thanks" was heard.

Hinata's POV

I was glad when I woke up in Kageyama's arms, he had always made me feel safe. The nest he had made smelt perfectly of him and was soothing me well, but occasionally I could smell the pheromones from the mystery alpha waft from me making my nerves jump and head race. Kageyama's scent was so strong and calming I thought that If he scented me I would feel better so I asked. Scenting is such an intimate act I never expected him to agree so when he did I was completely taken by surprise but still savoured every minute of that precious closeness. After the scenting it felt as though Kageyama and I had finally connected again, the smell of our pheromones mixing was ecstatic and enchanting. The rest of the evening was perfect until I realised how often Kageyama was alone, so I offered to stay.

I stepped out the shower wrapping a warm fluffy towel around me, Tobio had left clothes by the door and I picked them up bringing them into the bathroom. I sent a quick text message to Suga senpai telling him how everything went and that i'm staying at Tobio's, Suga responded immediately asking if I was okay and congratulating us on making up. When I tried on the clothes Tobio left for me everything was so large, the t-shirt he gave me hung off my shoulder, his boxers fit like large shorts barley staying up and the pyjama bottoms wouldn't stay on at all. I kept the shirt and boxers on discarding the bottoms, they smelt like him and it was wonderful. I walked into Tobio's bedroom awkwardly "um the bottoms don't fit" I said blushing, "oh my, you look absolutely adorable" Tobio said mouth agape.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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