The other Alphas

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[A/n trigger warning SA ]

Kageyama's POV

It took me some time to stop thinking about middle school, it was even harder to stop the daunting intrusive thoughts about Karasuno leaving me. My older sister Miwa came over frequently as she knew she was one of the few people I trusted with my thoughts, she would offer me advice and  me that my feelings were irrational. She really helped me and I was doing better, though I never told her about Hinata.

Hinata's POV.

Kageyama started acting brighter and interacted with the squad again, however no progress was made between us. He still refused to hold conversation with me and never smiled at me anymore, when I saw him talking normally with anyone else my chest tightened and ached dully. I wanted to be the only cause of his enchanting smile, I was feeling so many different ugly raw emotions filling my head and clouding my brain. The others never noticed how close we became so nobody questioned our behaviour, except Suga senpai, he knew everything.

Suga had asked me frequently if everything was ok between Kageyama and I, I had told him about the argument we had and Suga advised me to give Kageyama sometime to process his feelings. So I watched him from a distance, gradually he got happier and livelier but still refused to come to me. One time after practice I tried to strike a conversation between us but he walked away with no acknowledgement at all, after watching him walk away from me I began crying violently and uncontrollably snot dribbling down my face when Suga came and embraced me lovingly in his arms soothing me with his candy scented pheromones. we sat there for an hour, me clinging desperately to him staining Suga's shirt with my tears whilst he murmured quiet comforts over and over. "Why" I whispered to suga once my sobbing had died down to a lazy trickle of tears, " I really don't know Shoyo" he said back to me his hands smoothing my hair gently while he look at me with soft hazel eyes. " He won't even listen to what I have to say, how am I supposed to know what's wrong when he won't talk to me?" I said weakly, Suga senpai stayed silent and looked deep in thought for a minute before clapping his hands to gather excitedly. "I'll get Daichi to call him for them to meet up and then you wait there so when he gets there it's just the two of you and you can confront him!" he spoke matter of factly. "Will Daichi really do that for me" I murmured again Suga frowned and said "Of course he will silly you're like our child, and if he doesn't then I'll force him" he giggled a bit at the last line and I joined in wiping away my tears. " Thanks Suga for being so nice, you'll make good mother one day" I smiled at him and he blushed "oh go on shoyo outta here" he laughed shooing me out the school grounds.

Kageyama POV

After practice the sun was setting and I was getting ready to leave and go home, I was stopped however by Hinata standing in my way a stern look in his face. God I can't face him, his mouth moved but the noise he made was drowned by my thoughts. I feared what he would say so I ran. I got home and sunk into the sofa with shame, I didn't even know why I was hiding from him I mean I didn't think he'd be too angry about the whole situation. The evening was eerily quiet that night as I sat staring out the window at the vague shapes of buildings and trees cast into the night's darkness, my life was the same again everything seemed in place again except the boy who was meant to alway be by my side. I sat pensive listening to the sound of distant grasshoppers chirping in the damp turf, my phone illuminated in the dark revealing a message from Daichi. I tore my eyes away from the scenery and looked over to the phone.

Daichi: Kageyama there is something we need to discuss, meet me tomorrow at 12PM outside coach's store. Me: Ok.

The message was vague and silenced any of the things I was previously thinking about, I sighed shifting away from the window and lay down on my bed staring at my phone consumed with worry. I switched the light off and went back to my position on bed staring at the ceiling, I turned and curled into the fetal position hugging my duvet to my chest tightly as I drifted off into a heavy dreamless sleep. Light filtered in from my open curtain falling lightly across my sprawling body in the beds, I peeked over to the clock on my wall. 10:30 am, I could've slept in longer since it was the weekend but I guess I forgot to close my curtains. I had a refreshing shower and changed into tan cargo trousers and a black hoodie, my mom had already cleaned the house and made me breakfast. A pink sticky note on the kitchen counter caught my eye, I eyed it and saw it was from my mom.

'Morning sweetheart, i'm off to work and I'll be back in three days. I would've woken you to say bye but you looked so cozy! anyway I love you and call me or Miwa if you need anything. -Mom < 3'

I was ready to go and sitting on sofa waiting for it to be 11:30 so I could set off.

Hinata's POV

I had a restless night of sleep think about all the possible outcomes of me surprise seeing him, I showered and struggled to pick out an outfit every time I picked out an outfit it felt wrong. I was so paranoid about wearing something ugly, I ended. up settling on simple black skirt and a sapphire blue long sleeve croptop. I thought I looked very cute and decided to head off at 11 to be by coach's shop by 12. I got there at 11:55 and waited by the side of the shop, I stood awkwardly staring at the floor as I became aware of an alpha's watchful presence getting closer. "Hello little omega" a tall blonde alpha purred in front of me, " er h-hi" I stuttered nervously. " what's a cute omega doing all by himself here, here to seduce some alphas huh" he laughed out, I nervously laughed along with him " I'm- I'm waiting for a friend" the alpha grunted in response getting closer to me and placing an intrusive hand on my hip. He leant down and whispered into my ear " how about you leave with me?" my spine shivered at the sensation of his breath on my neck, I was horrified these situations always mean bad news for omegas. " No thank you I'm not interested" I stated firmly trying to hide how shaky my body was, his other hand snaked around my waist and he said coldly " you know you want it" my body was suddenly hoisted up and I was pressed against his body as he carried me into a shadowy alley pushing me against the graffiti clad wall as I desperately fumbled to push him off me, " NO" I managed to scream before his hand clamped down on my mouth. His mouth wandered my neck as he felt my thighs with his long fingers, I felt the purest panic run through my veins making my head tingle and body tremble even more than it was. I think I was about to drop, if I dropped no one would find me and I'd die alone in the alley. A breeze blew through the alley carrying a familiar scent, cinnamon and cloves. It was Kageyama, I immediately began giving an immense cloud of panic pheromones praying he could smell them. I clawed desperately at the hand groping my thighs and butt, hissing instinctively , willing it all to stop. The sprawling hands let go of my body as a sickening crunch rang out through the alley way. I slumped against the wall still sobbing and heaving whilst a dark eyed Kageyama picked up the other alpha from the floor landing devastating blows over his whole body until the alpha was laying in a pool of glistening scarlet blood unconscious, he turned to me face chilling angry and scooped me up immediately running off. my head lolled to the side watching the blurs of colour fade as I lost consciousness.

Kageyama's POV

I was walking down the street ready to meet Daichi but he wasn't there , instead stood the enchanting ginger omega in a short black skirt that had Kageyama's mind racing. Hinata was talking to another alpha, they were laughing together. The alpha put his hand on Hinata's small frame, jealousy flooded me. I turned and walked away fists clenched at the thought of someone touching Hinata, I marched furiously down the street trying to calm myself. Suddenly the sour scent of panic erupted taking over my senses, it was Hinata he was in danger. I hadn't even had time to think before my body reacted sprinting to the source of the overwhelming rotten smell, that's when I saw him. His poor small body pushed up against a wall, distressed eyes flooded with glistening tears, flailing legs and frantic hands clawing in a frenzy. That bastard had his hands desperately grabbing at hinata's pale thighs and ass. I threw one punch in his side his ribs shattering on impact with a deafening crunch and he sat dazed on the floor, I beat him till he wasn't conscious ignoring the burning pain rippling from my hands. I would've happily killed that man for touching hinata.

I saw Hinata hunched against the wall silent in shock, he looked as though he was about to drop. I tried desperately to recall what I read about drops, I knew dropping was an omega defence mechanism where their body completely stops functioning like the omega is dead.I remembered the must be taken somewhere calming immediately have nest built and be with someone they trust. I had the overwhelming urge to care for him myself, it felt like if I saw him wrapped in someone else's scent I would go berserk. so I ran with him resting in my arms to my house. where I pulled all my clothes out my wardrobe placed them on the bed and sat in the makeshift nest with Hinata curled up against me clinging desperately whilst passed out.

Citrus and Cinnamon [ KageHina omegaverse ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon