Chapter 14 | Try Me

Start from the beginning

We make our way to the living room when Trix came to find me. "HARRY!!" she screeched when she saw him. I giggled at her excitement, "Hey T" he allows her to crawl up on his lap. "It's funny, she likes you. She kinda hates everyone" I tell him, "Well I'm honored" he goes back to greeting her.

After putting 'My Girl' on, we get comfortable. "So, tell me about this boy" I turn to him.

"Well, i've kind of had a crush on him since 4th year." he smiled shyly.

"2 years!?"


"Why haven't you told him?"

"Well, I'm not sure if he likes me back. Or if he even likes guys in general"

"Hm, what's his name?"


"Diggory? Your joint-winner of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"That's the one"

"Ok tell me about him" he smiles before speaking again.

"Well, he's super sweet, his smile just melts my heart, everytime he touches me it feels like my skin is on fire, during the tournament he would help me if I was in trouble no matter what. I don't know, I've always thought that he looks at me in a longing kind of way, but I'm not sure if that's just my head making things up" he takes a breath, "I really like him. We have a few classes together and he always makes sure to sit next to me even if it means ditching his friends. I'm just scared to tell him because I don't want him to feel weird about anything"

"Har, the way you talk about him just tells me how much you like him. You get this look in your eyes when you think about him, and it kind of sounds like he's wanting reasons to be near you. I think you should tell him how you feel, before it's too late. Sure, there's a chance he doesn't feel the same way and that sucks, but what if he does? What if does feel the same way and he's scared to tell you for the same reasons. You could be missing out on the best thing you guys could have. You'll never be alone anymore Har, you're my family and I'll always be here for you." I take his hands while I speak.

"You're right. Ok, I'll tell him." he agrees. YAY, "Now tell me what's going on with you" ah, I forgot about that.

"Well life is going great for me" sarcasm, I'm great at that, "Um, my girlfriend cheated on me. Found out earlier this week, and just closed myself off from everyone. I tend to shut down when something bad happens"

"I figured something happened, but I didn't want to push. I knew you'd tell me when you were ready" he gives me a sympathetic look, "I'm really sorry about your girlfriend"

"Me too, I appreciate you not pushing."

"Of course, who all knows?"

"Sevs and Moony"

"How are you holding up with it?"

"I broke down when I first found out, now I'm just sort of numb. It hurts but not the way it should. It feels like the pain is there but there's layers hiding it if that makes sense. I've been getting panic attacks though"

"How often?"

"Enough to become a problem"

"And the nightmares?"

"I've had them pretty much every night for the past 2 years. My sister Rion was my roommate back at Ilvermorny so she was always there to help. Now, I've had to cast Mufliato spells when I sleep so I don't wake Pansy. Unless I'm here, since the tower is enchanted"

"I'm sorry Lara" he wraps his arms around me giving me a brotherly hug.

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