Chapter 15 | Let Me Help You

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-Not Edited Fully-

Heyyyyyy, different kind of chapter here. Lots of gayness, let me know how you like it <3

+panic attacks

chapter song aesthetic:
Sweater Weather ~
The Neighbourhood

chapter song aesthetic:☽ Sweater Weather ~ The Neighbourhood ☾

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Harry Potter

I'm just gonna do it. I'm just gonna get it over with and do it and then everything will be- "Harry?" his voice snaps me out of my trance, "Huh?" I turn to look at him. I'm currently in my second to last class of the day, History.

"You look anxious, are you ok?" Cedric asks me.

"Oh, uh yeah. Yeah, everything is good. Everything's fine." oh my Merlin, stop talking. "Um actually can we talk after school?" I decide I need to tell him.

"Yeah of course, 5th floor prefect bathroom?" I nod my head as the professor dismissed us.

So, I'm currently pacing around the prefect bathroom, with my hands shaking. Oh Merlin, why am I so nervous? Oh maybe it's 'cause you could ruin your friendship with this one conversation. No big deal. Yeah, I'm gonna throw myself off the Astronomy Tower. While my head is spiraling I hear a voice, "Harry?" it's him. Oh fuck.

"Here" HERE!? Are you in class you fucking dipshit.

"What's wrong? You're acting strangely" he places his hands on my shoulder, don't touch me. It makes this harder.

"Ok. This is really hard for me to say so I'm just gonna say it I guess" I finally speak.

"Ok, you're scaring me now" he laughs a bit.

"You're one of my best friends, and I really value our friendship. But I can't keep being your friend without at least telling you this. You don't have to reciprocate the feeling, I just have to tell you. I like you. I've liked you since the Triwizard Tournament, but I've been too scared to say anything. There are times I've thought you might've felt the same way, but it's probably my brain playing tricks on me. I love everything about you, the way you always make sure to sit next to me, your smile when you see me, the way my skin feels when you touch me, the way you try to keep me safe or stick up for me, and just how you've always been there for me. I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship I just-" my rambling is soon cut short when he grabs my face and kisses me. For a second I freeze, trying to comprehend what's happening, until I melt into the kiss. Our height difference is making me tilt my head up, while he's bent down.

"I've liked you for awhile but I thought you weren't interested" he finally pulls away allowing me to catch my breath.

"Really?" I ask looking up at him.

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