1. Why are you guys quoting?

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As a loyal member of a Blading team which was associated as the former Blading champion's first team in his career in a sport of metal tops, and being the sister of the said former Blading champion himself, it was to be expected that Nika Aoi would go in the same path as her brother. Okay sure, she was a blader, there was no way she won't be a member of the Beigoma Academy Beyclub if she wasn't after all, but she wasn't as passionate in the sport as Valt, or her twin brother Toko, ever was.

Even in this current friendly match with other blading teams like the Victories and the Comets, she wasn't as enthusiastic as the others either. She couldn't focus no matter how hard she tried. Why you may ask?

The fourth season of the 'Dream Essempi' has just been released. Nika was a dedicated fan of the said anime series. Her priorities might seem a little skewed, but atleast she's aware she had a life outside Beyblade. Not that the others weren't. Just... not as much.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A male's voice called out beside her. This made her stop bouncing her leg as she glanced to her left, surprised.

Her orange eyes meet intense scarlet ones. A fringe of sea green hair covered his left eye, or atleast it did, because Nika could still see the boy's eye through the hair. Such was the enigma of Delta Zakuro, a member of the Risen Three and a prized blader of the Victories, one of the blading teams invited to the match. He held the bey Demise Devolos, a clockwise-spinning balance type that earned him a spot as the Rank 10 blader in the world.

Oh yeah, he's also her current tag-teammate.

"Oh uh, I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you," she answered. The red-eyed boy beside her nodded, acknowledging her response.

That was new.

They introduced themselves to each other a while ago as all newly established teammates in the sport do. Delta might have been her brother's student once but she had never interacted with the other fifteen-year old until now. Still, knowing the boy's reserved demeanor, he didn't seem to be the type of person to initiate such a casual conversation, which was what surprised her.

Well, it would be rude if Nika didn't take it, wouldn't it?

"There's just this anime series that I've been waiting to watch for months and they just released the fourth season yesterday," she continued, facing the front before turning to her companion once again. "You watch any animes, Delta?"

"Yes," he bluntly responded. "I don't hate them, atleast."


Delta nodded again, leaning closer. "What anime is it?" His voice diminished into a whisper.

"The 'Dream Essempi,'" Nika whispered back.

Delta raised his eyebrows in surprise. He lowered them again, tilting his head. "Huh. You've got good tastes."

"Why, thank you, I pride myself in knowing almost every line in the show," Nika leaned back into their seat on the gym's bleachers, a smirk on her face.

"...Is that a challenge?"

Nika met his eyes. There's the familiar competitiveness in them, one that Nika never thought she'd see from the Legendary blader other than when battling.

Very well. Let the battle commence.

"'It was never meant to be,'" Nika started.

Delta scoffed at the amateur-ish quotation. "'You want to be a hero, Tommy? Then die like one.'"

Unlike the anime, he said this in a normal volume. He didn't want to get the attention of the others who were too busy looking at the match between Dante and his teammate, the captain of the Beigoma Academy Beyclub and Nika's twin brother, Toko, against Hikaru Hizashi from the Comets, one of the participants of the recent Legend Festival with his teammate, who was Arman.

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