Making long strides to her, he paused momentarily when he saw a hand slither around her waist. He knew that the girl could handle whoever it was and he was also half excited to see her punch the guy out, but instead, she leaned into him. When Jesse had a clear view, he was able to see the guy’s blond hair sticking straight up and his classic, black t-shirt. Yes, Luke was here and it looked like he wasn’t going anywhere for awhile. Luke played with a few notches, pushing levers here and flicking switches there. Beca was doing the same at the other side of the DJ booth. It looked like they were in perfect sync, even laughing when their  hands landed simultaneously on the same slide.


Jesse didn’t know how Luke did it. He knew that Luke and Beca had been, and were still best friends. He didn’t think he had ever seen any guy and girl that close before. The only exception was himself and Beca, but that was a long time ago. If anyone saw Beca and Luke on the streets, they would without a doubt assume that the two of them were a couple. His arm was always around her shoulder and she never pushed him away without automatically pulling him back to her side. Even Jesse thought they were dating until Beca had told him that they weren’t.


Jesse wouldn’t be jealous if they were dating. Beca had only been back for a little while and Luke had been in her life for what seemed like forever. It would be insane to already have a crush on somebody, but Jesse did feel a special pull to her. He loved to make her smile, bringing down her walls one brick at a time. Somehow, she didn’t care when he would mess up or stumble over his words. He got her sarcasm and she got his. Jesse just wanted to spend more time with her, learn about her fears and make her fall in love with movies. He wanted to hear her music, which overflowed with her passion. With every note in the song she was currently playing, he felt something. Her music was spectacular and he wanted to tell her how amazing she was with every song that blasted over the speakers. Personally, he hoped she would allow him to put her songs on his iPod so he wouldn’t have to wait to listen to them again.


The thing that he really envied was their bond. Luke and Beca had this unspeakable connection that no one but themselves understood. Luke would take over the booth without her even having to ask, and she would bring him a ice cold bottle of water in return. For himself and Aubrey, everything was so calculated; there was no flow. She would pick out the restaurant and he would pick out the movie. She would buy the pizza and he would pay for the dessert. None of them would argue even if they wanted to. It was just like a unconnected existence. There was no communication, and frankly, hardly any connection.


Sliding a couple of bucks on the bar, he grabbed two non-alcoholic drinks for himself and Chloe. (Jesse had painfully watched all the videos of teenagers, like himself, dying in car accidents due to drunk driving. True, many bars didn’t look twice at his ID. He never would’ve gone to bars if it wasn’t for Chloe and Amy. They always dragged him to karaoke bars, prompting him to sing. If saving his life and Chloe’s was as easy as declining the alcohol and sticking with a bottle of soda now and again, Jesse was more than willing.)


Gesturing for Chloe to come sit down with him, he slid her bottle across the table. Taking a big gulp, she relaxed onto the sofa, pulling off her heels one at a time. “I can’t believe Beca’s this good, I mean really? She should have her own record deal by now!” she said between sips.

Jesse couldn’t agree more. He knew she had been attending a school focused on music, but he never imagined she would be already taking gigs up at night clubs at her age. When she had said she produced music, he thought she would be awkwardly clipping together audio samples and attempting to match up the beats, not creating music that he swore could be on the billboard charts.


Stealing another glance at her, he slurped up the rest of his coke, chucking the bottle in the recycling bin behind him. Just when he was about to walk towards the dance floor, Chloe at his heels, his eyes caught hers. He softly smiled, maintaining eye contact. Rolling her eyes, she beckoned them forward.


Placing the headphones on the stool next to her, she hopped down from her workspace. “I’m really glad you could make it.” she said, pulling Chloe into a hug first and then smiling up at Jesse. Luke took over the song, engrossed in the mixing board as if it was the best invention in the world.


“We would never miss this for the world,” Chloe responded, “We wanted to hear your music so badly. It’s really good, Beca. I had no idea.” Beca laughed at the compliment, motioning towards Luke, “We’ve learned a thing or two during our time back in the big city.”


“There’s no doubt you did. It’s really great, Beca,” Jesse said, looking at her sincerely. Looking down at her hands, she nodded, “It means a lot that you guys are here. Enjoy yourself, our set is almost over.”


Chloe, thanking Beca once more for the invitation, bounced off towards the dance floor, dropping her heels behind her. Chloe had taken dance for a countless number of years, proving her skill by matching her body movements exactly to each beat. Jesse, on the other hand, pulled up a stool next to Beca.


Her eyebrows furrowed, wondering why he would decide to stay with her when he could be having a great time with Chloe, but she refocused back on the song. Luke moved out of her way, taking a seat next to Jesse.


“It’s really cool of you to come, man,” Luke said, putting a hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “She doesn’t show it, but she was really worried to see if the two of you would like her music.” Nodding to Luke, Jesse couldn’t believe that she would be worried. There was absolutely nothing to worry about. Her music was beyond amazing and he knew that she loved it. Her hair fell in her face as she pressed a few buttons. In one smooth motion, she looked up and pulled it all back into a loose ponytail. She took a chug of the water next to her, typing a few words onto the computer screen before returning to the mixing board. The light was softly reflecting off of her face, with her forehead showing tiny signs of perspiration. Not all of her hair had made it into her ponytail, what with a few strands falling to frame her face. Wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a plain shirt, she looked more beautiful than ever.

No, wait, he shouldn’t say that. She was just his friend, right? Just as that thought crossed his mind, she glanced up at him and smiled. He felt himself smiling back and staring longer than he should have. So what? He couldn’t help getting lost in her eyes when she smiled at him. He swore, Beca Mitchell would be the death of him.

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